- 1). Purchase clams from a reputable supplier or dig them yourself. Reject any that are not closed or do not close when tapped lightly with a finger.
- 2). Line the bottom of your cooler with bagged ice. If your cooler is not large enough to accommodate retail-sized bags, redistribute the ice into smaller freezer bags.
- 3). Cover the ice with a sheet of plastic film wrap to protect the clams from fresh water from condensation. This step is optional.
- 4). Fill the cooler with clams, leaving several inches of free space above them. Cover the clams with more bagged ice. Close the lid, ensuring that it has sealed tightly and no packaging is caught in the edge of the cooler.
- 5). Change the ice after four to six hours or whenever it begins to melt. Refrigerate the clams as soon as possible. They should be used within two days of harvest or purchase.