Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How to Control Pregnancy Weight Gain

Many women do not feel comfortable on how they look when they are pregnant.
Since there are many physical changes that take place, women often feel so unattractive that gravely affect their self-esteem.
Some of the physical changes that take place during pregnancy involve acne, falling hair, bigger nose and even skin discoloration.
Aside from these, the primary physical change that most women find hard to deal with is weight gain.
But do you know you can still control pregnancy weight gain? It is of course normal for every pregnant woman to gain weight since there is another life inside their body.
However, this is not an enough excuse to allow yourself to gain too much weight during and after pregnancy.
You should be responsible enough to know on how you can control your weight that would benefit not just you, but your own baby.
In case you do not know, gaining too much weight could pose a lot of problems during the phase of pregnancy and the actual delivery itself.
Listed below are some tips that could help you prevent gaining too much weight.
Carefully watch the food you eat.
Sometimes, gaining weight does not always mean eating too much.
Having wrong choices on the food to eat is sometimes the problem.
Junk food and sweets should be avoided by pregnant women.
They bring too much calories that may not be healthy for a pregnant woman.
Eating nutritious food items is a must.
Since the baby is also dependent on the intake of the pregnant woman, fruits and vegetables should never be missed out.
Consult your physician.
Do not violate the tips and recommendations of your doctor.
Normally, the doctor prescribes a certain weight gain, but make sure to listen to the tips of your doctor on how to avoid excessive gain of weight.
Of course, doing these is not easy as they seem.
This would still take effort from your end.
But if you want to have a good pregnancy, you should follow the tips.
The effects do not just last during the pregnancy period.
Controlling pregnancy weight gain is also important during post-pregnancy period.
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