Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Safe Exercise Before During and After Pregnancy Tips

There are two key things that are vital to know when setting up a general exercise program.
  1. You need to be doing a minimum of twenty to thirty minutes of aerobic exercise three to four times per week.
  2. It is recommended to include some sort of strength training in your routine two to three times a week.
If for some reason you don't feel able to do both aerobic and strength exercises and you feel as if you have to chose between the two, then veer towards aerobic.
Aerobic will help your heart muscles, help you maintain, or lose your weight plus it will help tone different muscles groups anyway.
That said, if you could do ten push-ups upwards (depending on your current strength capabilities) and a few sit-ups, before your aerobic then you will reap an even better reward as regards to burning fat and toning up, while doing your aerobic exercise.
Once you get into your exercise routine you can start to increase your amount of time you exercise from twenty minutes upwards.
Some people believe that for the first twenty minutes of aerobic exercise you are actually burning about eighty percent carbohydrates and only about twenty per cent fat.
So as you can imagine, if you really want to burn that fat, you are going to have to try and change this ratio a little.
For the next twenty minutes of exercise you will probably be burning about fifty percent carbohydrate and fifty percent fat.
This is a good place to be and obviously you will begin to see that excess weight shift a lot quicker at this level.
If you really want to see huge improvements, they if you venture beyond forty minutes you should be burning between seventy and eight percent fat.
However, very few people exercise at this level as most find it virtually impossible with today's busy schedules.
Between twenty to thirty minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week is what most people can manage and if you are able to keep this up you should see and a significant change in your body and how you feel, reasonably quickly.
If you are pregnant, one thing you don't want to do is to over do things.
The advice above is general exercise advice, not specifically tailored to the pregnant women.
However even when pregnancy you can still keep a regular exercise routine and still keep toned.
If you notice the body shapes of women that exercise throughout their pregnancy compared to those that don't and let themselves go a bit, you normally see a huge difference.
However, while pregnant your exercise routine does have to be modified so that you are not putting undue strain or stress on the baby.
Exercising incorrectly or excessively during pregnancy can lead to problems such as a premature birth.
However, not exercising at all can lead to a potentially more extensive list of complications.
It is essential that you try to develop a regular schedule of exercise, for example: Mondays, Tuesdays and Friday evenings you will exercise for thirty minutes.
Try not to take more than two days off in a row, as with most things consistency is the key.
It is not about how intensely you can exercise to begin with but more about keeping up the consistency, it's that that is going to have the biggest impact on you long term, not a flurry of exercise for four weeks, that burns you out, and then to never exercise again.
It might also be an idea to try and exercise at the same time of the day, on your exercise routine days as this tends to help most people stick to the routine long term.
It is essential to start your routines with a warm up.
And also don't forget to end with a cooling down session.
These might be difficult fit in occasionally but you must do your best not to skip them.
Once you skip them once it will be only to easy to skip them a second and third time and then before you know it you aren't warming up or cooling down at all.
Warming up and cooling down aren't luxury additions to your exercise routines they are essential integral parts of them and help reduce injures and help you to get the most out of the routines themselves.
Lastly remember the golden rule.
Exercise should be fun, if it is not fun then chances are you won't stick at it, so if you are not enjoying it you need to change it or figure out how to enjoy it fairly quickly otherwise I can almost guarantee that you won't stick at it for long enough for it to have the impact on your well-being that you deserve.
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