Nowadays, an aesthetically pleasing personality is associated as to having great teeth. So if your reason why you landed into this page is to look for
some tooth whitening tips or how to take care of your gums, it is worth the start of your search.
Foods and Drinks that stain teeth
First let us begin our topic with foods that cause stain to our teeth. Particularly, coffee, chocolate, red wine, tea and other beverages are the ones that are very much capable of damaging our teeth when drank or eaten. If you wanted to really have great teeth, you should always be mindful of your foods and drinks intake. All of the mentioned products can create stain and will turn your teeth in yellow color over time.
As much as possible, take healthy foods since the food and drinks that we take do create a wide difference as to our dental health. Examples of those fruits are vegetables, fresh meat, fish, unprocessed cheese and eggs. If you can avoid sugar, carbonated drinks and white flour, do so. But of course, taking something on a certain occasion is okay as long as you are not making it as a hobby.
What to do after eating?
Make sure to rinse your mouth with clean water to save your teeth. This is one simple action to avoid causing acids to our mouth after eating. It is a proven fact that people's mouth becomes acidic for a period of 20 minutes and more and with that it can cause tooth decay. For those people who are most often finding time to snack, this can be a dental problem to them. So do not forget this one inexpensive tip to have great teeth is swishing some water around your mouth right after eating.
Natural Remedy towards achieving great teeth
One natural way to whiten you teeth is using natural and at home remedies for instance the orange peel. You can use the peel of the orange fruit while adding little salt to it before eventually rubbing to your teeth. It sounds strange, I know but lots of people are already doing and using this certain teeth whitening technique.
Proper Cleaning Tools
Do put in your mind that too much scrubbing of your teeth will at the same time damage your gums so use soft toothbrush as possible. Also you have to be careful not to put too much force for too long. Other people consider sonic toothbrush so it could massage their gums. At least it would not just be great teeth but great gums as well.
Use of Mouthwash
If you are familiar with periodontal disease, you know the importance of using mouthwash. This dental problem is caused by bacterial plaque that constantly forms in ones teeth. The solution to this and way to avoid this at the same time is using hydrogen peroxide solution content in only 1 percent to kill the bacterial plaque. Also you can just purchase from department stores the mouthwash available. When done, you can also rinse little bit of water. And perfectly, say hello to your healthy and great teeth.
some tooth whitening tips or how to take care of your gums, it is worth the start of your search.
Foods and Drinks that stain teeth
First let us begin our topic with foods that cause stain to our teeth. Particularly, coffee, chocolate, red wine, tea and other beverages are the ones that are very much capable of damaging our teeth when drank or eaten. If you wanted to really have great teeth, you should always be mindful of your foods and drinks intake. All of the mentioned products can create stain and will turn your teeth in yellow color over time.
As much as possible, take healthy foods since the food and drinks that we take do create a wide difference as to our dental health. Examples of those fruits are vegetables, fresh meat, fish, unprocessed cheese and eggs. If you can avoid sugar, carbonated drinks and white flour, do so. But of course, taking something on a certain occasion is okay as long as you are not making it as a hobby.
What to do after eating?
Make sure to rinse your mouth with clean water to save your teeth. This is one simple action to avoid causing acids to our mouth after eating. It is a proven fact that people's mouth becomes acidic for a period of 20 minutes and more and with that it can cause tooth decay. For those people who are most often finding time to snack, this can be a dental problem to them. So do not forget this one inexpensive tip to have great teeth is swishing some water around your mouth right after eating.
Natural Remedy towards achieving great teeth
One natural way to whiten you teeth is using natural and at home remedies for instance the orange peel. You can use the peel of the orange fruit while adding little salt to it before eventually rubbing to your teeth. It sounds strange, I know but lots of people are already doing and using this certain teeth whitening technique.
Proper Cleaning Tools
Do put in your mind that too much scrubbing of your teeth will at the same time damage your gums so use soft toothbrush as possible. Also you have to be careful not to put too much force for too long. Other people consider sonic toothbrush so it could massage their gums. At least it would not just be great teeth but great gums as well.
Use of Mouthwash
If you are familiar with periodontal disease, you know the importance of using mouthwash. This dental problem is caused by bacterial plaque that constantly forms in ones teeth. The solution to this and way to avoid this at the same time is using hydrogen peroxide solution content in only 1 percent to kill the bacterial plaque. Also you can just purchase from department stores the mouthwash available. When done, you can also rinse little bit of water. And perfectly, say hello to your healthy and great teeth.