Health & Medical Dental & Oral

What is the Most Common Bad Breath Infection?

The cause of Halitosis, which is a chronic condition, is often the result of an infection.
The collation between bad breath and infection is actually common.
While several types of infection could be the cause, the Helicobacter pylori bacterium is often the problem.
This type of bacteria can actually cause oral ulcers, which can be painful as well as cause poor breath odor.
For bad breath and infection, unless the infection is brought under control the foul odor will never go away.
Over the past few years, a number of studies have been done specific to bad breath and infection caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.
One in particular was published in the European Journal of Internal Medication that stated following pain and bloating, the most common symptom of this type of infection is an infection caused by this bacterium.
This study goes on to state that patients dealing with bad breath and infection from Helicobacter pylori bacterium saw the odor disappear completely within one month after the infection was treated.
Along with the problem of Halitosis being eliminated, abdominal pain also disappeared.
Keep in mind that this study is just one of many that provide the same result.
Another interesting study was completed more than 10 years ago at which time it was shown that mouth ulcers were not caused by stress as initially believed but actually from bacteria.
For this study, one patient was followed carefully, an individual who had struggled with a chronic case of Halitosis for more than six decades.
While other treatments did little to help, the bad breath from infection disappeared completely after the Helicobacter pylori bacterium was treated.
Of course, bad breath and infection can go beyond this type of bacterium.
For instance, the tongue is comprised of deep lines and crevices where bacteria live.
Because of this, a regular oral hygiene schedule has to involve more than brushing and flossing several times a day.
To keep infection at bay and prevent bad breath, the tongue must also be cleaned.
Today, several types of tongue scrapers are available, which move microbes that live on the tongue causing a foul odor.
The thing is that on average, 400 unique types of bacteria live inside the human mouth.
Because of this, when the problem of bad breath and infection exist, it is important for the type of bacterium as the culprit be identified.
It is also important to understand methods for preventing the growth of bacteria.
For instance, when the mouth dries out bacteria flourishes so it is important to increase fluid intake and even use sugarless gum to produce saliva.
Additionally, small food particles trapped between teeth also cause bad breath and infection so flossing after each meal is essential.
In some cases, antibiotics are required to bring an oral infection under control so if you have tried everything but without success, you should talk to your dentist or doctor about taking a more aggressive approach to the problem.
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