Braces are orthodontic devices, which are worn with an aim of bringing teeth that may be out of alignment back into their right order. There are many factors that could push teeth out of alignment. Some people, for instance, are born with the so-called 'crooked' teeth. In this case, the misaligned teeth are part of their genetic heritage, but thankfully, one about which something can be done. There are also cases where a person who was born with perfectly, or near-perfectly aligned teeth loses that perfect alignment over time. Indeed, this is something that afflicts all of us to some extent, for the natural tendency of teeth is to fall out of alignment with time.
Of course, having misaligned teeth is not a good thing. It interferes with the quality of your life in many ways. If the misalignment is major, you end up with difficulties chewing things, or even talking. Unknown to many of us is the fact that the alignment of teeth in a person's mouth is one of the factors that affect their pronunciation, and that if you have difficulties in pronunciation, you could quite easily come across as a poor communicator, which can deny you many opportunities in life.
It is from this sort of a background then, that dental braces make their entry into the discussion. Dental braces are meant to bring misaligned teeth into perfect alignment. The way they work is that they put on the misaligned teeth a bit of pressure, consistently (as long as they are worn); so that the teeth in question are gradually brought into perfect alignment.
Now for many years, dental braces have been highly conspicuous metallic devices, which were clear for all and sundry to see. But in recent days, we have seen the emergence of another type of braces, which are invisible, and which are threatening to push the traditional (highly conspicuous) dental braces out of market.
These invisible braces are made from a clear material, with invisible joinery too - so that when you wear them, only you knows that you are using dental braces. The other people around you only get to see the results you get from using the braces, and not the braces themselves. This is obviously a great departure from the case with traditional braces, which as mentioned earlier, tended to be highly conspicuous for one and all to see that you were trying to bring your teeth into proper alignment.
There are many reasons as to why invisible braces are edging out traditional braces, but in a nutshell, we can talk about their 'convenience and discretion.' The whole issue is clear cut, because given a choice between two braces, one conspicuous and one invisible, what would you go for? Obviously, if you are a typical person, you are likely to opt for the invisible braces; even it means paying a little more. It is this situation, then, that has seen the invisible braces pose a real threat to the traditional braces: to an extent that the traditional braces are now only worn by people who don't know of the existence of invisible braces, or people who try as they may, cannot afford the invisible braces.
Of course, having misaligned teeth is not a good thing. It interferes with the quality of your life in many ways. If the misalignment is major, you end up with difficulties chewing things, or even talking. Unknown to many of us is the fact that the alignment of teeth in a person's mouth is one of the factors that affect their pronunciation, and that if you have difficulties in pronunciation, you could quite easily come across as a poor communicator, which can deny you many opportunities in life.
It is from this sort of a background then, that dental braces make their entry into the discussion. Dental braces are meant to bring misaligned teeth into perfect alignment. The way they work is that they put on the misaligned teeth a bit of pressure, consistently (as long as they are worn); so that the teeth in question are gradually brought into perfect alignment.
Now for many years, dental braces have been highly conspicuous metallic devices, which were clear for all and sundry to see. But in recent days, we have seen the emergence of another type of braces, which are invisible, and which are threatening to push the traditional (highly conspicuous) dental braces out of market.
These invisible braces are made from a clear material, with invisible joinery too - so that when you wear them, only you knows that you are using dental braces. The other people around you only get to see the results you get from using the braces, and not the braces themselves. This is obviously a great departure from the case with traditional braces, which as mentioned earlier, tended to be highly conspicuous for one and all to see that you were trying to bring your teeth into proper alignment.
There are many reasons as to why invisible braces are edging out traditional braces, but in a nutshell, we can talk about their 'convenience and discretion.' The whole issue is clear cut, because given a choice between two braces, one conspicuous and one invisible, what would you go for? Obviously, if you are a typical person, you are likely to opt for the invisible braces; even it means paying a little more. It is this situation, then, that has seen the invisible braces pose a real threat to the traditional braces: to an extent that the traditional braces are now only worn by people who don't know of the existence of invisible braces, or people who try as they may, cannot afford the invisible braces.