If you are or were a smoker, then you probably know what "the patch" is.
It is a patch that is placed on the skin, using a light adhesive, and allows a chemical or drug to pass through from the patch to the skin and into the blood stream.
The nicotine patch is one of the most successful types of patches, although there are others that are in use today.
The birth control patch has been around for years and works in the same way.
Hormones that control a woman's egg production are transmitted from the batch to the blood and prevent pregnancies from occurring.
For men, there is a male enhancement patch that helps to restore a man's manhood and energy to previous levels.
When men hear that there is a male enhancement patch on the market that could help them regain size and stamina, they often say, "I don't want to put a patch on my penis!" But, don't worry - the patch doesn't go there! You put it on your arm or abdomen and let the chemicals flow through your bloodstream.
Eventually, they will make it to your penis.
If you think of the male enhancement patch as just another delivery system like a pill, a liquid, an IV, or a spray, you will understand that it just the method of getting the drug into your body that is different.
There are different types of patches, by different manufacturers, that are based on different natural and chemical substances that can help get blood flowing back where it should.
Most men that use the patch find that they have few, if any, side effects, and that they start to see results very quickly, often within a week.
The patch itself has no side effects, other than the occasional skin irritation in some men.
It is a patch that is placed on the skin, using a light adhesive, and allows a chemical or drug to pass through from the patch to the skin and into the blood stream.
The nicotine patch is one of the most successful types of patches, although there are others that are in use today.
The birth control patch has been around for years and works in the same way.
Hormones that control a woman's egg production are transmitted from the batch to the blood and prevent pregnancies from occurring.
For men, there is a male enhancement patch that helps to restore a man's manhood and energy to previous levels.
When men hear that there is a male enhancement patch on the market that could help them regain size and stamina, they often say, "I don't want to put a patch on my penis!" But, don't worry - the patch doesn't go there! You put it on your arm or abdomen and let the chemicals flow through your bloodstream.
Eventually, they will make it to your penis.
If you think of the male enhancement patch as just another delivery system like a pill, a liquid, an IV, or a spray, you will understand that it just the method of getting the drug into your body that is different.
There are different types of patches, by different manufacturers, that are based on different natural and chemical substances that can help get blood flowing back where it should.
Most men that use the patch find that they have few, if any, side effects, and that they start to see results very quickly, often within a week.
The patch itself has no side effects, other than the occasional skin irritation in some men.