Definition: (technical) to cut off power, relieve congestion / a burden; (transportation) to remove ballast
Le courant sera délesté pendant une heure demain - The power will be turned off for an hour tomorrow
Quand vont-ils faire quelque chose pour délester cette autoroute ? - When are they going to do something to relieve congestion on this highway?
(informal) to relieve someone of something by stealing it
Pronominal: se délester - to put down, offload
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [day les tay]
Le courant sera délesté pendant une heure demain - The power will be turned off for an hour tomorrow
Quand vont-ils faire quelque chose pour délester cette autoroute ? - When are they going to do something to relieve congestion on this highway?
(informal) to relieve someone of something by stealing it
Pronominal: se délester - to put down, offload
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [day les tay]