- 1
First thing you need to know is: What is the main idea, the theme? What is the angle and objective? Write it down. - 2
Second: Gather information. Be selective. Make sure that the Information is related to the theme serves your angle and objective. - 3
Pick out the main points. You can pick a couple for a short presentation or 6 or 8 for a long one. It's up to you to know how much time you are going to assign to each point. - 4
Organize your research material. Only keep what it pertains to your theme and main points. Things you consider of value for your audience. Never go overtime. - 5
Put your material in logical sequence. - 6). When writing the introduction make sure it arouses interest in the theme.
- 7). Plan a motivating finally consistent with your theme
- 8). Finally Read over and Refine your material. Once you feel comfortable with the outline. Practice, Practice, Practice.