Libido is the term being used for the sexual desires of a human being.
Both males and females have sexual desires, but their intensities vary with age.
The natural way to have your sexual desires fulfilled is to have sex with your partner.
Those who are not able to have sex try different other things to have their libido fulfilled.
As we grow younger, our libido increases and reaches its maximum in our 20s.
That is why the primary age to have sex in males and a female is considered to be the 20s.
Although females attain early maturity in life then males but their female libido is much stronger than male libido.
Apart from biological reasons the change in libido also depends on outside factors like type of weather, physical location, day or night, etc.
Male libido With the increasing pressures of life, happiness is decreasing in lives.
Many couples find a decrease in their libido because of extreme work stress.
This problem is more common n males than females.
Thus males have to depend on supplements to keep their libido intact and to satisfy their life partner.
Studies have shown that the main reason for the loss of libido in males is the insufficiency of nitric oxide flow into the penis.
This stops the penis from being erect and hence results into an embarrassment.
Nitric oxide is necessary because it helps in relaxing smooth muscles around the penis which finally results in increased blood flow into the penis.
Some of the medicines that can act as libido boosters by in increasing male libido are: oL argentine: it works by increasing nitric oxide flow into the penis area.
oTyrosine: this is a special medicine that helps in Supporting and assisting neurotransmitters found in brain.
These transmitters help the brain to stimulate penis muscles.
oGinseng: this is herbal tonic which is used as sexual balancer and invigorating tonic.
The tonic is basically an adaptogen that helps in balancing your sexual desires.
oZenerx: all natural libido enhancer made from different herbs.
The safe way to enhance your libido.
Female libido Females have completely different mechanism from males and hence their libido is also different.
Large number of females experience Loss of Libido, frame of mind swings, tetchiness, annoyance, despair, headaches and increase in weight from the deficiency of Progesterone which is and important substance required for proper thyroid function.
This substance is naturally produced in the female ovaries just following the period of ovulation and plays an important role in maintaining the intensities of female libido.
It also controls the side effects of estrogen.
Under the influence of dietary estrogens, high stress, and menopause, the production of Progesterone is suppressed which results in decrease in natural libido in females.
During pregnancy period the females tend to feel increase in libido as a change of their body structure effect their sex drives.
Herbal ways to increase libido are popular because of their low or almost negligible side effects.
Some of the most common and effective herbs that can surely increase your desires include Ashwagandha, wild yam, Avena sativa, ginseng, ginkgo, kawa kawa and maca.
Both males and females have sexual desires, but their intensities vary with age.
The natural way to have your sexual desires fulfilled is to have sex with your partner.
Those who are not able to have sex try different other things to have their libido fulfilled.
As we grow younger, our libido increases and reaches its maximum in our 20s.
That is why the primary age to have sex in males and a female is considered to be the 20s.
Although females attain early maturity in life then males but their female libido is much stronger than male libido.
Apart from biological reasons the change in libido also depends on outside factors like type of weather, physical location, day or night, etc.
Male libido With the increasing pressures of life, happiness is decreasing in lives.
Many couples find a decrease in their libido because of extreme work stress.
This problem is more common n males than females.
Thus males have to depend on supplements to keep their libido intact and to satisfy their life partner.
Studies have shown that the main reason for the loss of libido in males is the insufficiency of nitric oxide flow into the penis.
This stops the penis from being erect and hence results into an embarrassment.
Nitric oxide is necessary because it helps in relaxing smooth muscles around the penis which finally results in increased blood flow into the penis.
Some of the medicines that can act as libido boosters by in increasing male libido are: oL argentine: it works by increasing nitric oxide flow into the penis area.
oTyrosine: this is a special medicine that helps in Supporting and assisting neurotransmitters found in brain.
These transmitters help the brain to stimulate penis muscles.
oGinseng: this is herbal tonic which is used as sexual balancer and invigorating tonic.
The tonic is basically an adaptogen that helps in balancing your sexual desires.
oZenerx: all natural libido enhancer made from different herbs.
The safe way to enhance your libido.
Female libido Females have completely different mechanism from males and hence their libido is also different.
Large number of females experience Loss of Libido, frame of mind swings, tetchiness, annoyance, despair, headaches and increase in weight from the deficiency of Progesterone which is and important substance required for proper thyroid function.
This substance is naturally produced in the female ovaries just following the period of ovulation and plays an important role in maintaining the intensities of female libido.
It also controls the side effects of estrogen.
Under the influence of dietary estrogens, high stress, and menopause, the production of Progesterone is suppressed which results in decrease in natural libido in females.
During pregnancy period the females tend to feel increase in libido as a change of their body structure effect their sex drives.
Herbal ways to increase libido are popular because of their low or almost negligible side effects.
Some of the most common and effective herbs that can surely increase your desires include Ashwagandha, wild yam, Avena sativa, ginseng, ginkgo, kawa kawa and maca.