Health & Medical Men's Health

Penis Enlargement Surgery Vs Penis Enlargement Pills

When looking at options for increasing your penis size, it is important to look closely at the benefits and detriments of each possible method.
There are a few methods claiming to effectively increase penis size, but not all of them are legitimate.
Many men, when narrowing down their options wonder how penis enlargement pills add up to penis enlargement surgery.
What happens during penis lengthening surgery? First of all, it should be noted that penis enlargement surgery is inherently dangerous.
Any time someone undergoes surgery, there is the very real danger of something going wrong.
Complications could range from a bad reaction to the anesthesia to the mutilation of the penis.
These are risks that you might not want to take.
Depending on the which procedure you undergo, various things happen.
If you are looking to undergo penis lengthening surgery, the doctor will create a hole above the base of your penis and reach inside all the way up to a specific ligament, which holds your penis in place.
The doctor then slices the ligament, causing it to drop the penis and supposedly make it longer.
In reality, it might add only an inch if you are lucky.
Following the surgery is a period of harsh stretching exercises that attempt to promote proper healing of the severed ligament.
However, if the ligament heals incorrectly, it could actually shorten the penis.
Not only that, but the surgery is not reversible.
Why take that risk? What happens during penis implant surgery? In the penis implant surgery, the doctor actually cuts open the penis and inserts inflatable tubes into it.
Also implanted in the scrotum is a pump, which theoretically can be used to pump up the implants in the penis - as long as nothing breaks.
This surgery is also irreversible and it can cause numerous complications as well.
Men who have had this surgery have often complained of loss of sexual sensation, which really defeats the purpose.
Furthermore, legitimate doctors will generally only perform this surgery on men suffering from severe erectile dysfunction.
Most legitimate doctors condemn the surgery's use for any other reason.
What happens during penis widening surgery? In a girth, or widening, surgery, the doctor injects foreign chemicals, including silicone, into the penis.
These chemicals fill the empty portions of the penis and give it a thicker look.
However, after the procedure the penis appears unnaturally bloated and artificial.
Furthermore, the penis is a sensitive organ, and the injection of chemicals is inherently unsafe.
Why are penis pills a better option? First of all, there is a distinction between legitimate pills and scams.
Everyone's email inbox gets saturated with advertisements claiming to add three inches in three days, or some other such variant.
The truth is, these are fake.
Legitimate penis enhancement pills are absolutely safe and effective.
Since erections are achieved through blood flow to the penis, legitimate penis pills are comprised of all natural herbs and vitamins which promote healthy penile blood flow.
This promotes longer, harder erections, and over time these harder erections will encourage the growth of new cells in the penis, resulting in lengthening and even widening.
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