Health & Medical Medicine

Plant Medicine Brings Fast Reduction In Chickenpox Symptoms

Chicken pox symptoms are cold and flu-like, involve a fever, and eventual outbreaks of pox. It is most common in babies and young children. Initial exposure to the chicken pox virus may occur up to twenty one days before symptoms appear. The chicken pox virus is medically known as varicella zoster virus and is abbreviated as VZV. Severe cases of chicken pox leave behind "pockmarks". Occasionally, it is referenced as one word "chickenpox" and is sometimes misspelled as "chicken pocs". Chicken pox is not usually diagnosed until after the appearance of pox.
Pox are watery blisters that crust over quickly. They remain extremely itchy until the scabs naturally fall off. Left untreated, lesions may continue to appear anywhere on the body for five days or more. These fresh skin lesions are highly contagious. Fever may continue until the last new lesions appear. The worst effect of infection is the itchiness. Preventing anyone, let alone a small child, from scratching is very difficult. If scratched, the scabs may be torn off with potential for superimposed infection and permanent scarring.
If a pregnant woman gets chickenpox during the first half of a pregnancy, there is a small risk that the unborn baby may be affected. Some of the effects include scarring, and birth defects. If a woman gets chickenpox from five days before delivery to two days after delivery, it is estimated that there is up to thirty percent risk that the baby will develop a severe infection. Many of these babies will die from the infection. Pregnant women should see their doctor if they have been in contact with chickenpox and are not certain that they have had chickenpox.
If a pregnant woman has been exposed to chickenpox, and she has not already had the infection, she can, if needed, be given Zoster Immunoglobulin to give her temporary protection against the illness. This can be used for other high risk people. There is no specific treatment available which affects how bad the chickenpox is or how long it lasts. People who have other severe problems affecting the immune system may be able to get some antiviral medications. Give the child plenty of drinks and give paracetamol or ibuprofen if needed, for fever and pain.
If blisters are in the mouth dont give food or drinks that have a lot of acid or salt. Orange juice is acidic, try pear juice instead. Icecream and jelly are often accepted. You can also get soothing mouth washes from a chemist. Soothing lotions, such as calamine lotion, or special oils that reduce itch can be used. See your chemist for advice about which ones to use and how they are best used. Some oils are added to cool baths. Sodium bicarbonate or oatmeal in the bath can also help soothe the itching. Anti histamine medicines can help with the itch. Talk to your doctor about this.
Never give aspirin to children with chickenpox: there is an increased risk of a serious illness known as Reyes Syndrome if a child under sixteen years takes aspirin when they have chickenpox or some other viral infection such as influenza. Reyes syndrome is a rare illness causing severe damage to the brain and liver, and it is often fatal even when the child is given intensive care. Other than these traditional methods, natural treatments is approved to provide rapid soothing of chickenpox systems with a guaranteed result fast and safely.
Plant medicine for chicken pox is doctor recommended and proven safe for use. It is composed of strictly certified organic medicinal plants proven effective against the varicella zoster virus which causes chicken pox. The proprietary formula of plant medicine is guaranteed to provide fast relief of chicken pox symptoms. Natural treatments are lipophilic and can be absorbed into your bloodstream easily. They have an effect to improve effect and decrease toxicity by compatibility of medicines and reduce side effect further.
Patients find natural treatment extremely soothing for swift reduction in itching, irritation and other symptoms associated with chicken pox. They are made from natural materials, widely available with natural compositions and smooth function. Their effectiveness is integral and bidirectional with no side effects; it is not easy to cause pathogenic microorganism to develop drug resistance; harmful residues seldom remain in the body. When treating sensitive skin make sure to use treatments made from organic medicinal plant extracts. To learn more, please go to
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