Drug rehab is not a quick fix, drug rehab is just the start of a lifelong process. If an addict starts their recovery at a drug rehab in Philadelphia, they can certainly start the process of healing and recovering.
However, at 12 Palms Recovery Center in Jensen Beach, Florida, addicts can start the recovery process from intervention, detox, the start of the 12-step process, intense one on one counseling, dual diagnosis—dealing with underlying causes that can lead to addiction, such as emotional issues, depression, bi-polar disorder and other mental health issues, family counseling and ongoing outpatient support and attendance of AA and NA meetings.
A drug rehab in Philadelphia may offer all of the above services, however at 12 Palms Recovery Center, all of the services are offered in a peaceful, serene setting nestled on the water upon acres of private land that offers confidentiality and peace of mind.
To start on the path to recovery, oftentimes an addict is still in denial about the devastating effects of their drug use. 12 Palms Recovery Center has an interventionist on staff available 24 hours a day who will work with addicts and their families and loved ones to work the one who needs help acknowledge their problem and comes to the realization that they need the services of a treatment center.
A drug rehab in Philadelphia may not necessarily have people on staff readily available to assist in that very important step. Oftentimes it's also important for an addict to step away from their neighborhoods and cities and start the process of recovery away from familiar places and faces.
Once the intervention has been successfully completed, it may also be necessary for an addict to detox for a period of time, to allow the body time to rid itself of the drugs, and to manage the symptoms that drug withdrawal can bring. 12 Palms Recovery Centers also offers this very important beginning step in recovery.
Once detox has been completed, the process of staying away from the next drug fix can begin one day at a time. The professional staff at 12 Palms Recovery Center are all recovering addicts themselves, and know full well what it takes to stay clean one day at a time. Through the 12-step process originally created by Bill W. and Dr. Bob of Alcoholics Anonymous, addicts are strongly encouraged to attend AA and NA meetings and find a sponsor who will help them work the 12 steps in their daily lives.
At 12 Palms Recovery Center, the professional staff of recovering addicts who are certified in drug treatment will work with each individual to get them started on the path to recovery, from intervention all the way through to maintaining a clean and sober way of life one day at a time. For more information on the services offered by 12 Palms Recovery Center, please call 1(866) 331-6779.
However, at 12 Palms Recovery Center in Jensen Beach, Florida, addicts can start the recovery process from intervention, detox, the start of the 12-step process, intense one on one counseling, dual diagnosis—dealing with underlying causes that can lead to addiction, such as emotional issues, depression, bi-polar disorder and other mental health issues, family counseling and ongoing outpatient support and attendance of AA and NA meetings.
A drug rehab in Philadelphia may offer all of the above services, however at 12 Palms Recovery Center, all of the services are offered in a peaceful, serene setting nestled on the water upon acres of private land that offers confidentiality and peace of mind.
To start on the path to recovery, oftentimes an addict is still in denial about the devastating effects of their drug use. 12 Palms Recovery Center has an interventionist on staff available 24 hours a day who will work with addicts and their families and loved ones to work the one who needs help acknowledge their problem and comes to the realization that they need the services of a treatment center.
A drug rehab in Philadelphia may not necessarily have people on staff readily available to assist in that very important step. Oftentimes it's also important for an addict to step away from their neighborhoods and cities and start the process of recovery away from familiar places and faces.
Once the intervention has been successfully completed, it may also be necessary for an addict to detox for a period of time, to allow the body time to rid itself of the drugs, and to manage the symptoms that drug withdrawal can bring. 12 Palms Recovery Centers also offers this very important beginning step in recovery.
Once detox has been completed, the process of staying away from the next drug fix can begin one day at a time. The professional staff at 12 Palms Recovery Center are all recovering addicts themselves, and know full well what it takes to stay clean one day at a time. Through the 12-step process originally created by Bill W. and Dr. Bob of Alcoholics Anonymous, addicts are strongly encouraged to attend AA and NA meetings and find a sponsor who will help them work the 12 steps in their daily lives.
At 12 Palms Recovery Center, the professional staff of recovering addicts who are certified in drug treatment will work with each individual to get them started on the path to recovery, from intervention all the way through to maintaining a clean and sober way of life one day at a time. For more information on the services offered by 12 Palms Recovery Center, please call 1(866) 331-6779.