Suffering from erectile dysfunction can be difficult and is obviously not fun, and there are those who do need support.
It is a condition that affects every demographic, but makes itself more apparent in the sixty five years old and over group, and it affects five percent of men age forty five years of age and older.
Of this surprisingly large number only ten percent choose to seek help and support.
The other ninety percent has reasons that include a genuine feeling that their condition cannot be remedied, and also sheer embarrassment in regard to the subject.
Some men wish for support for their erectile dysfunction problems, and for them it may be difficult to find, based on common sense and the statistic mentioned before.
For this reason there are a number of support groups for the problem, and many of them are internet based which makes anonymity and varying schedules possible.
Without support it can be a very difficult cross to bear, and not one that should be bore alone.
A great deal of men do not feel comfortable talking to friends or even their physician about it.
Doing such a thing is potentially dangerous, and the likeliness of ever seeing a resolution decreases too.
Using support groups allows for someone with knowledge on the subject to give advice and speak.
This means if you have a problem, someone can help you define it, if you want to know what to do, someone can tell you, and if you simply need to talk, someone will listen.
It is a condition that affects every demographic, but makes itself more apparent in the sixty five years old and over group, and it affects five percent of men age forty five years of age and older.
Of this surprisingly large number only ten percent choose to seek help and support.
The other ninety percent has reasons that include a genuine feeling that their condition cannot be remedied, and also sheer embarrassment in regard to the subject.
Some men wish for support for their erectile dysfunction problems, and for them it may be difficult to find, based on common sense and the statistic mentioned before.
For this reason there are a number of support groups for the problem, and many of them are internet based which makes anonymity and varying schedules possible.
Without support it can be a very difficult cross to bear, and not one that should be bore alone.
A great deal of men do not feel comfortable talking to friends or even their physician about it.
Doing such a thing is potentially dangerous, and the likeliness of ever seeing a resolution decreases too.
Using support groups allows for someone with knowledge on the subject to give advice and speak.
This means if you have a problem, someone can help you define it, if you want to know what to do, someone can tell you, and if you simply need to talk, someone will listen.