- 1). Measure the width of the doorway. Add 1 inch to the total to allow for seams on the drafter.
- 2). Draw the shape of the drafter on a large piece of paper and cut it out to make a template. Make the length of the drafter the same length you determined in Step 1. Make the height 2 to 3 inches tall. The shape is up to you. Choose a snake, a long tube or add a puppy head on one end and puppy tail on the other.
- 3). Place the template on a piece of fabric. Cut the shape out. Turn the template over and repeat the Step to create a second cut out of fabric.
- 4). Place the two pieces of fabric on top of one another with the side of the fabric you want to show on the completed drafter facing inward. Secure the two pieces of fabric together using straight pins. Place the pins along the outer edge of the fabric, 1/2 inch in from the edge.
- 5). Sew along the edges with a sewing machine, following the straight pins you place. Leave a 2-inch hole on one edge. Remove the straight pins.
- 6). Turn the drafter right side out by feeding the fabric through the hole you left. Once completed, fill the inside of the drafter with rice, dried corn kernels, plastic filler beads or crushed walnut hulls. Fill the drafter as much as possible. For ease of filling, use a funnel or pitcher to pour the filling in.
- 7). Tear off a small handful of cotton batting. Place the batting inside the hole to secure the loose filing while closing the drafter.
- 8). Fold the edges of the hole inward 1/2 inch. Pinch the hole closed and use a needle and thread to secure it.
- 9). Decorate the outside of the drafter, as desired. For example, add buttons for eyes or a pom pom for a nose. Secure decorations in place with a hot glue gun. Let the glue set before using the completed drafter.