- 1). Determine which type of emergency brakes your Mercury Cougar will need. Emergency brakes typically function by activating the regular braking system on the driving wheels.
- 2). Remove half the brake fluid from the master cylinder reservoir and disconnect the rear wheels with a socket wrench. Take out the cotter pin and guide pin for the rear disc brakes. Remove the cover for the caliper locating pin so you can remove the locating pin with a socket wrench.
- 3). Move the rear disc brake caliper away from the brake rotor and anchor plate and detach the inner and outer disc brake pads.
- 4). Install the new brake pads by reversing the removal procedure. Clean the locating pin threads and apply a drop of thread-locking compound. Apply a small amount of disc brake caliper slide grease to the shaft of the locating pin. Tighten the locating pin to 30 foot/pounds with a torque wrench. Torque the lug nuts for the wheel to 62 foot/pounds.
- 5). Adjust the parking brake by pumping the brake pedal several times and refill the master brake cylinder before moving the vehicle.
- 6). Road test the vehicle and check for proper brake system operation.