- 1). Be aware of your surroundings. Notice if someone is following you. If so, cross the street and walk quickly. Make as much noise as you can to attract the attention of passersby.
- 2). Park in well-lit areas at night.
- 3). Hold your keys in your hand when you walk to your car or to your front door. This is so you can get inside right away, and also so you can use the sharp edges as a weapon if necessary.
- 4). Ask your ride to wait and see that you get safely inside before taking off.
- 5). Don't let strangers into your home, even if the reason seems legitimate, such as someone who says he has a flat tire and needs to use the phone.
- 6). Remember that many rapes are committed by someone the victim knows.
- 7). Trust your instincts. If you feel uneasy, remove yourself from the situation right away.
- 8). Go out with friends whenever possible, rather than alone.
- 9). Don't leave a drink unattended. There have been cases in which men slip a drug such as GHB or Rohypnol into a woman's drink. These drugs will knock you out, making you an easy target.
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Look for a nearby building and run in and pull the fire alarm to cause a commotion if you feel you are in danger. - 11
Carry a whistle with you to scare potential attackers away.