Health & Medical Men's Health

Sex Drive Solutions - Got a Bad Sex Drive Or Weak Erection? Fix It!

You don't have to be old to have erection problems.
Young guys can have erection problems too.
It don't matter if you're one of those hairy chested macho men with muscles or that skinny squirt with the buggy whip arms that gets sand kicked in his face at the beach, you can still have erection problems.
And erection problems will bring the biggest and the baddest to their knees.
Well guys there are things out there that can help you with erection problems and give you a normal sex life again.
So don't wait too long to seek help.
The longer you wait the more damage you do to your mental state.
This will cause the erection failure to get embedded into your mind and It will follow you around forever, even after things are working right again.
And you will still have that what if thought on the back burner of your mind.
From all that I have learned, most of the erection problems are blood flow related, which in turn turns into a performance anxiety problem as well.
Anxiety in this case is fear that you won't be able to get an erection at the proper time and maintain it.
This is in turn causes you to wind you being afraid to try to have sex, for fear that you won't get it up and you will be embarrassed, and humiliated and feel like less of a man.
Half of the battle in finding a solution to erection problems is admitting that you have one and then phase two of the battle is having the guts to do something about it.
Yes I know, it's easier said than done when you're the one that has to go to a urologist and come up with a cool way of saying that your wanger's not working right.
I can relate to that, done been there and done that.
Unless you are paralyzed from the waist down, or have had some major operation or physical damage done to your body, then you shouldn't have any problem getting that Soldier of yours to start saluting again.
A urologist can help you to overcome your erection problems, whether you can't get a good erection, or just can't maintain one after getting it.
Always check your medicine side effects.
Certain prescription meds can and will kill your sex drive and erections completely.
And there are a lot of them out there that will do just that.
Read through the information that comes with your meds.
If it says anything about sexual side effects or that it may cause sexual side effects.
I've learned that may means that it will cause them.
Get your doctor to change your prescription to something that doesn't cause these.
Don't let him tell you that its not causing the problem, if says it may cause sexual side effects on the info sheet, and your tally whacker has ceased to function right since you've been on the medicines then you know it's the problem, and you didn't need a 6 year college degree to figure it out.
No I'm not bad mouthing doctors.
Doctors are a wonderful thing to have.
But most are not of aware the side effects on the medicines, and just incase you have a doctor that's a butt head I wanted you to be aware of this issue.
Most doctors will be happy to write you a prescription for something else if you need it.
If you're on a temporary prescription then just finish it and your desires and abilities should come back after you go off the meds, even if it takes a few weeks.
If you are on a long term med then you need to seek a med that doesn't screw with your erection.
A urologist will check your prostate and if all seems well will give a prescription to Viagra or one of its counter parts.
If you have an enlarged prostate some of the meds can put a damper on the sex drive, but it is only a temporary situation.
A urologist will be unbiased in talking to you about erection problems.
Remember he deals with hundreds of men each week with the same problems and since he is a man its likely he's experienced the same problems you have, so he understands what you're talking about and where you're coming from.
If your able to get an erection even if it doesn't last long or get completely hard, then you are not impotent, you're just not getting enough blood flow to your penis.
There are remedies for that so don't fret.
Your day in the hard erection sun is coming back around soon.
If you are one of the people that can't get an erection at all there are procedures that will help you.
They will run test on your tool and inform you of your treatment options.
The treatments are out there and they can help you have a normal sex life, but you have be willing to take the necessary steps to get there.
There are herbal formulas that can help you and give you a rock hard erection.
After the urologist gave me Viagra and it was working good, I started searching the world for natural remedies that would be as good or at least close.
I wanted something that was much cheaper than Viagra.
I mean 10 bucks per pill come on now.
That's an affordable price for Hugh Hefner, but for us average Joes that have to work for a living we need something much cheaper.
I have found formulas that work.
I've tried them and they work for me, very well and judging by all the testimonials of these products they are working for many other people that have had the balls to try them.
So if you're tired of having the same old erection problems following you around day after day, then its time to do something that you haven't done before.
If you're not satisfied with what you've been having then its time to do what you've never done.
It works for me it could work for you too.
You have nothing to lose but a soft erection.
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