Insomnia can have varied symptoms, depending on the individual.
Different people show different symptoms of insomnia, according to the disease symptoms specialists.
The common symptoms of insomnia, represented by disease symptoms experts are explained below: 1.
People with insomnia feel very dull and tired after sleep.
They do not have the feeling of freshness even after taking tea or breakfast.
People having insomnia have a lot of difficulty in falling asleep.
The individual keeps on tossing and turning I bed but cannot get to sleep for hour and hours.
The person may get to sleep after the struggle of hours but will wake up early in the morning and will not be able to go back to sleep, an unsatisfying and un-restful slumber might come but not proper sleep.
The person with insomnia is either suffering from depression and anxiety or is very aged.
In some cases person cannot sleep in night and cannot stay awake in daytime.
In this case, the sleep patterns are reversed.
Insomnia is more common in elderly people, as they cannot sleep deeply and for continuous eight hours.
They sleep in fragments of time.
Such disturbed sleep patterns in elderly people may have been caused due to health problems such as aching bones and muscles, certain medications, and life style changes.
People with insomnia cannot perform the activities of day in good manner.
They work poorly due to their disturbed sleep patterns.
Such people worry about their sleep and think that their life will be badly affected because others of their age have sufficient sleep.
If you wake up refreshed or become refreshed after your tea or breakfast, it means that you have had a sufficient sleep according to your body needs.
Many people have less bodily need of sleep therefore; they think that they might be suffering from insomnia.
If you have a lot of physical activity during day, like exercising, running or sports and you feel tired and dizzy and still you cannot go to sleep, then you might have insomnia, the insomnia disease symptoms suggest.
People with a lot of physical activity generally can sleep very well.
It is because their physical activity produces lactic acid in their muscles, which in turn activates the sleep centers of the brain.
Depression, stress and anxiety provoking thoughts prevent the sleep centers to be activated.
Some common points about insomnia reported by disease symptoms news reporters are: 1.
Insomnia is mostly the result of psychological and emotional malfunctioning.
Insomnia is more common in people over 60 years of age.
It is more common in women.
It is common in people with depression.
It is more common in people who use caffeine in excessive amounts.
Hormonal changes can also lead to insomnia 6.
People who had previously been taking sleeping pills also find it very difficult to fall asleep without pills.
People preoccupied with thoughts of business, exams or certain other worldly matters also find it difficult to fall asleep and it such conditions persist for a long time, it can lead to insomnia.
Different people show different symptoms of insomnia, according to the disease symptoms specialists.
The common symptoms of insomnia, represented by disease symptoms experts are explained below: 1.
People with insomnia feel very dull and tired after sleep.
They do not have the feeling of freshness even after taking tea or breakfast.
People having insomnia have a lot of difficulty in falling asleep.
The individual keeps on tossing and turning I bed but cannot get to sleep for hour and hours.
The person may get to sleep after the struggle of hours but will wake up early in the morning and will not be able to go back to sleep, an unsatisfying and un-restful slumber might come but not proper sleep.
The person with insomnia is either suffering from depression and anxiety or is very aged.
In some cases person cannot sleep in night and cannot stay awake in daytime.
In this case, the sleep patterns are reversed.
Insomnia is more common in elderly people, as they cannot sleep deeply and for continuous eight hours.
They sleep in fragments of time.
Such disturbed sleep patterns in elderly people may have been caused due to health problems such as aching bones and muscles, certain medications, and life style changes.
People with insomnia cannot perform the activities of day in good manner.
They work poorly due to their disturbed sleep patterns.
Such people worry about their sleep and think that their life will be badly affected because others of their age have sufficient sleep.
If you wake up refreshed or become refreshed after your tea or breakfast, it means that you have had a sufficient sleep according to your body needs.
Many people have less bodily need of sleep therefore; they think that they might be suffering from insomnia.
If you have a lot of physical activity during day, like exercising, running or sports and you feel tired and dizzy and still you cannot go to sleep, then you might have insomnia, the insomnia disease symptoms suggest.
People with a lot of physical activity generally can sleep very well.
It is because their physical activity produces lactic acid in their muscles, which in turn activates the sleep centers of the brain.
Depression, stress and anxiety provoking thoughts prevent the sleep centers to be activated.
Some common points about insomnia reported by disease symptoms news reporters are: 1.
Insomnia is mostly the result of psychological and emotional malfunctioning.
Insomnia is more common in people over 60 years of age.
It is more common in women.
It is common in people with depression.
It is more common in people who use caffeine in excessive amounts.
Hormonal changes can also lead to insomnia 6.
People who had previously been taking sleeping pills also find it very difficult to fall asleep without pills.
People preoccupied with thoughts of business, exams or certain other worldly matters also find it difficult to fall asleep and it such conditions persist for a long time, it can lead to insomnia.