- Some of the more common types of sparrows include the song sparrow, fox sparrow, chipping sparrow, white-throated sparrow and field sparrow.
- There are many subspecies of individual types of sparrows, with ornithologists, for example, recognizing 24 subspecies of the song sparrow.
- Most sparrows have a diet that includes seeds and insects. The majority of species forage for food on the ground, scratching away leaves in search of a meal.
- While some sparrow species have a wide distribution, others such as the Baird's sparrow of the upper Great Plains live in specific parts of the nation.
- The house sparrow established itself over all of North America, multiplying from a few birds that people introduced from Europe into New York City's Central Park in 1850. An invasive species, it out-competes native birds for food and nesting sites.
- Sparrows typically build their nests low to the ground or on the ground itself, hiding them in tall grass in pastures, fields and prairies.
Geographic Distribution