Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Grand Trine & Manifesting

  • July 17th Jupiter trines Saturn (Cancer-Scorpio 5 degrees)
  • July 17thJupiter trines Neptune (Cancer-Pisces 5 degrees)
  • July 19th Saturn trines Neptune (Scorpio-Pisces 5 degrees)
A Grand Time
The much anticipated grand water trine -- Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune -- is a chance to give shape to a dream that's close to your heart. Neptune draws us nearer to the mysteries of life, like the part we play to shape "reality." Saturn (Scorpio) is guide to the deep internal waters, and what's needed to stir the pot, set things in motion.

And Jupiter ( Cancer) conspires to keep us aligned to what's personally meaningful.

This is a great time to experiment with new approaches to manifesting. It can mean a sea change in how we go about it, involving the whole soul, for a powerful, full-bodied journey forward.
Experiencing What You Want
Reader Angelica on Twitter asks, “read your new moon blog wondering how do you experience what you want to attract? per penny pierce. The post she's referring to is Jupiter Leaps of Perception — the transition author Penney Pierce says, is “from the Information age to the Intuition age….from the mind to the spirit…from linear to spherical, spiral, holographic.”

The shift she's describing is about our relationship to reality. And this will affect the dream we dream, alone and as a culture. It can potentially expand and deepen, our ability to manifest what we want. Years ago, I read The Secret but found it oddly materialistic and surface-y. It was also oriented from the outside in, as in what kinds of worldly possessions could be created.

And as all sages tell us, the real work is within, and as we change that, so changes the outer reality.

The transit of Saturn in Scorpio (a sign of manifesting) guides us to the barriers and blocks within, that clear channels of manifesting. The work of Saturn is supported in July by Neptune (the dissolver) and Jupiter (faith-booster). If we choose, we can take charge of our own experience, and with water signs, a big emphasis is on the imagination and intuition. It's perceiving that we're getting regular downloads, from the soul, as well as messages from all of life around us, and from non-physical reality.
Left and Right
The full flowering of these other intelligences is a balancing the right and left spheres of the brain. The right brain, that so often becomes atrophied without our realizing it, is brought to life, with Saturnian effort. What kinds of inner images do we flee from? What keeps us from stabilizing the psyche, so that we're not at the mercy of its darkened corners?

These Saturn-approved works could include active visualization, that's done on a regular basis. Sometimes Saturn shows us where we've hit a dead end. And the effort to get past inner defenses, to richer landscapes, could be the way forward. It could be the path of progress. A key is inviting more right brain currents, to work their magic.

Penney says the right brain receives messages from the higher self or soul, through impressions…”becoming becoming visual and going through the senses, and dropping through the reptile brain where you become motivated….and then it comes into the body and starts to materialize.” The right brain, says Penney, is about direct immersion in life, direct knowing, not logic. On the right and left spheres, she continues, “They crisscross in the center of the brain, the pineal gland, the old Third Eye. And it is that mystical, magical, electric center point in the brain…that point gets activated when you balance your brain.”

We’re off kilter, and this dominance of the left-brain is a culprit according to Penney, that keeps us stifled. A convergence moves us to a new level of what she calls resonance, as we experience reality as holographic. She suggests moving away from setting intentions, which are about willpower, and instead, nurture what you want with attention. She says, “In the new perception, everything is in the present moment…all you have to do is place attention on things and they start to come alive. ”

Of course, that means doing the work of calling yourself home, to the present. Saturn Scorpio is a transit for that soul retrieval that re-sensitizes us to the moment, and is grounding. It's also empowering, as more of your psychic energy is available for the unfolding present.
Jupiter in Cancer
Jupiter is now in Cancer, and this takes us from the mind ( Gemini) to being receptive to those intuitive impressions coming from the higher self. Look at next week’s magic! Jupiter trines both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces (July 17th), and then Saturn-Neptune trine (July 19th). It’s an auspicious grand trine for experiencing your personal law of attraction in this new medium.

A Saturn-Neptune stirring is a magical brew. We see where we’ve got blocks of fear or shadow, to be swirled around and transformed. Saturn in Scorpio is an ally, for falling through false bottoms — defensive fortresses, stuck traumas — to settle into a psychic ‘home’ that feels structurally sound. From this stability, a future (Jupiter) can be imagined, as a work-in-progress.

Is one of the gifts of the unveiling (apocalypse), to discover the real secrets about reality and how its dreamed up? As we clear out the psychic baggage, will we find our authority as reality-shapers (shiftshapers)?
What You Wish For
Last winter, I was imagining a horse of my own, and we walked around our mini farm, looking at possible locales for a barn. A blip of time later, we got an urgent call from a work acquaintance of my husbands. A lovable horse was in dire need of rescue by that Friday! We both realized that we attracted it into our lives — ready or not — and it brought fascination about the process.

There is a component of timing, I've found, and being patient, with how things line up. It doesn't always happen so fast, and sometimes we don't get what we want. And then there are times in life, when it's possible to see how scenarios I created in my life were a feedback loop from what was unconsciously playing out in my psyche. The Delphic Oracle's message to Know Thyself is one to take to heart!

Since this summer's trine is water, the emotions will surely color desires -- especially as Mars enters Cancer (July 13th). To maximize the benefit of this trine. it's important to take a leaf out of Saturn Scorpio's book and demonstrate emotional sobriety. As a double water (Sun and Rising), I never thought I'd hear myself saying that! But this is a time to choose the more mature expression of water, and its finer, transcendent upward flows.

Instead of drowning your sorrows, is there a way to turn your pain into a strength? If there are wounds and traumas that haunt you, this is a great time for healing, following these psychic imprints to their roots. Everything is in place to persevere -- to go through and not around -- and be reward for it!

The magic you demonstrate can inspire others -- that's where the one meets the many. When we get the flow going, and be courageous with core realities, this summer can be one of miracles and serious manifesting. The grand trine creates a fluid atmosphere for change and creative movement. What will you bring to life this summer?
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