Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Overcome Infertility - How Minerals Help to Treat Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.
It affects over 5 million couples alone in the U.
and many times more in the world.
Because of an unawareness of treatments, only 10% seek help from professional specialists.
Minerals play an important role in strengthening our body in fighting against all kinds of diseases.
In this article, we will discuss how minerals help to treat infertility.
Calcium Calcium is a vital trace mineral in maintaining bone density.
It also helps to increase the functions of the heart in blood circulation, resulting in an increased blood flow to the reproductive organ, thus promoting natural fertility.
Copper Copper plays an important role in transmitting information between brain cells and regulating the hormone production of the glands.
Deficiency of, or high levels of copper disrupts these processes, leading to hormone imbalance and nervous tension thus lessening the chance of fertility.
Zinc Besides helping to treat enlarged prostate, zinc also helps to strengthen the testes in sperm production with the assistance of testosterone, resulting in an increased quality of sperm.
Deficiency of zinc causes low levels of testosterone, thus increasing the risk of sexual dysfunction and poor sperm quality.
Iron Iron is vital for our body in absorbing oxygen from the lung, thus increasing the transportation of nutrients and inducing ovulation, leading to natural conception.
Deficiency of iron may increase the risk of miscarriage and birth defects.
Magnesium Magnesium helps to protect our body against cardiovascular diseases and immune dysfunction, thus increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs and strengthening the immune function in fighting against cell oxidation, resulting in preventing infertility caused by blood stagnation and promoting healthy sperm quality and count.
Manganese It is said that the deficiency of manganese not only causes low sperm count and sperm quality, but also increases the risk of testicular degeneration.
Selenium Selenium is important in preventing sperm oxidation, thereby increasing the sperm quality and decreasing the risk of abnormal cell growth in reproductive organs, including endometriosis and fibroids.
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