- 1). Go to one of the major cities in Azeroth, Shattarath in the Outland or Dalaran in Northrend. Click on a guard and click "Professions." Select "Engineering." Follow the directions on your mini-map. You'll arrive at the engineering trainer. Click on the trainer to learn engineering. Do the same to locate the mining trainer.
- 2). Level engineering until you reach a skill level of 425. You can level your engineering skill by clicking on the engineering profession in your spellbook and creating learned items. The items you can create will be categorized and listed under "All," such as "Guns" and "Parts." Each item typically requires mining reagents, which you can obtain by mining ore from mineral veins. Only create items highlighted in orange or yellow, as you will rarely receive skill points for items highlighted in green. You will never receive points for items nonhighlighted items.
- 3). Return to an engineering trainer once you amass 425 points in engineering. Your trainer will teach you to create a MOLL-E.
- 4). Acquire eight saronite bars and eight eternal air. You can create saronite bars by mining saronite veins and creating bars from the ore. You can obtain eternal air by killing wind elementals in Northrend. Wind elementals drop crystallized air, and 10 crystallized air make one eternal air.
- 5). Click your engineering profession button to bring up the list of creatable items. Scroll down to "MOLL-E." Click "Create" when you're at the location where you wish to place the portable mailbox.