Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Sensitive Skin Care - 5 Gentle Ways to Achieve Glowing, Radiant Skin

People seem to the think that if they use the strongest facial scrub, the most powerful ingredients and rub their skin dry with a towel, that they can get rid of blemishes and other skin problems.
Actually, the best strategy for achieving a radiant and stunning complexion is sensitive skin care.
Here are 5 gentle ways you can achieve beautiful skin without damaging it.
Avoid using facial scrubs
Facial scrubs should be used AT MOST once per week and even then only when applied gently.
Scrubs are notorious for drying out the skin.
Dry skin means no moisture and that can lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals - causing premature aging such as wrinkles.
If you have sensitive and dry skin anyway, this is magnified, so do not use scrubs.
Don't rub with a towel
Most people rub themselves dry with a towel.
This is bad because it strips off your skin and the moisture it contains.
Skin is especially delicate when wet, so instead you should pat yourself dry.
If you have sensitive skin, try this for a week and see how much less dry and sensitive it is.
Avoid harmful ingredients
Sensitive skin care is heavily advertised and you may end up buying a product that actually contains harmful ingredients.
Read the label and avoid things like parabens, alcohols, sulfuric acid, mineral oils and fragrances.
These, and many more, can irritate the skin and lead to allergic reactions which will be much worse on sensitive skin.
Drink more water
Aim to drink 8 glasses of water a day and you will keep your skin cells fully moisturized.
This single tip alone will plumpen the skin, make it less sensitive and reduce dryness.
Use a natural, proven skin care product range
Opt for all natural ingredients that have been proven as part of a sensitive skin care product.
Cynergy TK, which stimulates collagen and elastin growth to fill wrinkles, Phytessence Wakame, which fights harmful enzymes and keeps the skin tight and firm, and CoenzymeQ10 which fights free radical skin damage with powerful antioxidants, are all natural ingredients that you should be using in your sensitive skin care products.
Sensitive skin care is easier than you think, you just have to break the bad habits and start treating your skin in a more gentle manner.
When you do that, you will start to see a gorgeous, radiant complexion shine through.
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