- Nurses work long, hard hours, often doing 12 or more hours at a time, and with few breaks. A break room gift basket supplies her with some quick comforts for her moment of pause. Include chocolates, hot cocoa, tea, nuts and some of her other favorite snacks. Candies and gum also make nice additions, although some hospitals have policies that prohibit gum chewing. Also include something relaxing, like a sachet of lavender, a scent said to calm and restore the body.
- There's no shortage of nurse jewelry on the market. Nursing charms and pendants are available in a variety of designs and finishes. Customizable nursing watches can be helpful to nurses who rely on watches as they check vitals and time medications. Lapel pins and jeweled stethoscope charms are another option if other kinds of jewelry seem too personal. See the resources section for some examples of nursing jewelry.
- Personalized gifts, including engraved or inscribed picture frames, plaques, paperweights and pens or embroidered jackets or tops are a good way to show your appreciation. Some personalized items allow you to include a small, personal message of thanks and gratitude. Many of these keepsakes are both personal and practical, which may appeal to the many nurses.
Break Room Basket
Nurse Jewelry
Personalized Gifts