One very common
thing that happens when experienced marketers see newbies making mistakes is that it
reminds them of themselves.
In a way, it is like watching a baby learn how to walk for the very
first time. There are a variety of things that people must learn, and many
unique experiences that people can have. It is imperative, especially as a newbie, but you learn how to navigate IM
minefields. There are so many that you have to circumvent. In this article, you'll learn how to protect
yourself against these problematic situations that can definitely arise.
yourself talk is something that you need
to watch. The way you think about your business, and the actions that you take, will
impact your success in many ways. In most cases, you won't make a lot of money
the first time you try this. That is just how it goes. Your success will usually come with a few knocks. You will lose your
direction and money as you try. You need a lot
more to keep yourself going than to simply tell yourself "I will make money
online" because it simply is not enough. You can tell
yourself that you want your kids to have a great education. That is a much more solid
goal, and one that you should actually have. Anytime you make a goal,
it should have some emotion attached to it in order for it to work.
Sometimes people that aspire to be IMers will go
after the wrong goals, but not realize this until much too late. You may have spent
years trying to make money with selling affiliate products, or whatever. Maybe you went a different direction and started to
write something you wanted to sell. Perhaps you enjoyed an article writing
course or copywriting course recently. It is possible that you kept building on the idea of earning cash by
getting more and more clients. Perhaps he discovered that you could earn a full-time living doing
copywriting or freelance writing. Every
time you make a decision, make sure it is in line with what you love to do
able to make money in lots of different ways is just one of the good things about
creating your own product.
When you own your
own product you can do joint ventures--something you cannot do as an affiliate. This is a general rule and there are,
sometimes, exceptions to it--like with the very well connected and successful
affiliates who know enough other marketers to put together JVs of their own. But a newbie won't have
reached this level of success yet and won't be able to pull this off that easily. When you're a product vendor, you will be able to
eventually create a whole line up of products that relate to each other. When you reach this point, you will potentially be able to keep doing JVs as
well as email marketing.
In conclusion, as you learn to do different things
online, you will pick up different strategies as you go along. Making mistakes is one of the best teachers you can ever have. Pressing forward
will allow you to learn this business quickly and efficiently. You will feel much more comfortable and
confident as you go along. Good luck!
thing that happens when experienced marketers see newbies making mistakes is that it
reminds them of themselves.
In a way, it is like watching a baby learn how to walk for the very
first time. There are a variety of things that people must learn, and many
unique experiences that people can have. It is imperative, especially as a newbie, but you learn how to navigate IM
minefields. There are so many that you have to circumvent. In this article, you'll learn how to protect
yourself against these problematic situations that can definitely arise.
yourself talk is something that you need
to watch. The way you think about your business, and the actions that you take, will
impact your success in many ways. In most cases, you won't make a lot of money
the first time you try this. That is just how it goes. Your success will usually come with a few knocks. You will lose your
direction and money as you try. You need a lot
more to keep yourself going than to simply tell yourself "I will make money
online" because it simply is not enough. You can tell
yourself that you want your kids to have a great education. That is a much more solid
goal, and one that you should actually have. Anytime you make a goal,
it should have some emotion attached to it in order for it to work.
Sometimes people that aspire to be IMers will go
after the wrong goals, but not realize this until much too late. You may have spent
years trying to make money with selling affiliate products, or whatever. Maybe you went a different direction and started to
write something you wanted to sell. Perhaps you enjoyed an article writing
course or copywriting course recently. It is possible that you kept building on the idea of earning cash by
getting more and more clients. Perhaps he discovered that you could earn a full-time living doing
copywriting or freelance writing. Every
time you make a decision, make sure it is in line with what you love to do
able to make money in lots of different ways is just one of the good things about
creating your own product.
When you own your
own product you can do joint ventures--something you cannot do as an affiliate. This is a general rule and there are,
sometimes, exceptions to it--like with the very well connected and successful
affiliates who know enough other marketers to put together JVs of their own. But a newbie won't have
reached this level of success yet and won't be able to pull this off that easily. When you're a product vendor, you will be able to
eventually create a whole line up of products that relate to each other. When you reach this point, you will potentially be able to keep doing JVs as
well as email marketing.
In conclusion, as you learn to do different things
online, you will pick up different strategies as you go along. Making mistakes is one of the best teachers you can ever have. Pressing forward
will allow you to learn this business quickly and efficiently. You will feel much more comfortable and
confident as you go along. Good luck!