- 1). Create a new file. Click the "New" icon on the menu bar and choose the size of the banner. Generally, banners on the Internet are either leader boards (728 x 90 pixels) or full banners (468 x 60 pixels), but other sizes may be used as well. A background color or pattern may be added at this point. Click "OK."
- 2). Add one or more images to the banner. Click the "Open" icon on the menu bar and browse to the location of the image. Right-click the mouse over the image and click copy, then right-click the mouse over the banner to place the image on it. To create a mask of the image so that it is one color, choose the color on the palette (top left square on the right hand menu), go to "Edit," choose "Paste special" and then "Mask." Once the image is on the banner, it can be resized, distorted and repositioned. Using the grid will help properly position everything; to access the grid, go to "View" and choose "Show grid."
- 3). Add a border to the banner. Go to "Edit" and choose "Stroke and Fill." Check the box next to Stroke and choose the color and width of the border. Click "Preview" to see if it needs adjustment. Click "OK" once it is done.
- 4). Add text to the banner. Go up to "Image" and choose "Text." Choose the font, size, color and alignment under the "Text" tab and add special effects under the "Effects" tab. Enter the desired text in the "Text input" box and click "OK" once it is done.
- 5). Save the banner. Click the save icon (the disc image) on the menu, enter the file name, choose the format (for Internet use, GIF or PNG are commonly used) and click "Save."