- 1). Cut a section of one inch by one inch wire fencing that measures 12 inches by 16 inches. Cut a second section that measures 12 inches by 24 inches.
- 2). Bend the first section of wire fencing into a bracket shape. Bend the second section into a semicircle.
- 3). Connect the two pieces of wire fencing with the snap rings. Your trap should resemble a barrel. Cut two pieces of wire fencing for doors to the trap. They should fit over the open sides.
- 4). Attach the doors to the trap with snap rings. Tie a rope to the top of one of the doors. Run the rope across the top of the trap and over to the other door. Thread the rope through the bottom of the second door and back up to the top. The end of the rope will be pulled from the surface when the trap is in use. You can pull the trap up when you have caught a crab.
- 5). Bait your trap with ripe chicken or fish. Attach it securely to the inside of the trap. Drop it into water where crabs live. The crabs that enter the trap will not be able to find their way out.