SKIN CONDITIONS There is a veritable myriad of skin conditions, ranging from flea allergies, mange, ringworm, eczema and so on.
They can manifest themselves in a variety of ways: dry skin, flaky skin, redness, itching, greasy hair, pimples, scabs, hair loss, foul smelling skin, indeed canine skin problems are now one of the biggest reasons why dogs visit the vets.
All skin conditions need prompt attention, so don,t leave it in the hope that it will clear itself up-it won't! It is important to know that two of these skin conditions are transmittable to humans.
MANGE Demodectic mange is caused by a microscopic mite that is common in the hair follicles of all dogs.
These mites occur naturally on the dog but may reproduce rapidly in a dog with an impaired immune system.
If the dog is very stressed or suffer malnutrition the mites can take hold as well.
It first appears on the face, corners of the mouth and on the forelimbs This cannot be passed onto humans, but sacroptic mange, which is caused by a mite which burrows into the skin is contagious to humans.
RINGWORM Ringworm is caused by a fungus not a worm.
It starts on the skin starting at a center point and growing outwards in a ring shape.
As it grows, the hair and skin become thickened and irritated and the hair sometimes breaks.
Ringworm is contagious to humans and children seem more susceptible than adults.
It can be treated with anti fungal cream or with anti fungal tablets.
They can manifest themselves in a variety of ways: dry skin, flaky skin, redness, itching, greasy hair, pimples, scabs, hair loss, foul smelling skin, indeed canine skin problems are now one of the biggest reasons why dogs visit the vets.
All skin conditions need prompt attention, so don,t leave it in the hope that it will clear itself up-it won't! It is important to know that two of these skin conditions are transmittable to humans.
MANGE Demodectic mange is caused by a microscopic mite that is common in the hair follicles of all dogs.
These mites occur naturally on the dog but may reproduce rapidly in a dog with an impaired immune system.
If the dog is very stressed or suffer malnutrition the mites can take hold as well.
It first appears on the face, corners of the mouth and on the forelimbs This cannot be passed onto humans, but sacroptic mange, which is caused by a mite which burrows into the skin is contagious to humans.
RINGWORM Ringworm is caused by a fungus not a worm.
It starts on the skin starting at a center point and growing outwards in a ring shape.
As it grows, the hair and skin become thickened and irritated and the hair sometimes breaks.
Ringworm is contagious to humans and children seem more susceptible than adults.
It can be treated with anti fungal cream or with anti fungal tablets.