- 1). Purchase a used pop-up camping trailer. The camping shell need not be in good condition as you are only after the trailer frame anyway.
- 2). Disassemble the camping trailer down to the metal frame. Use the Sawzall to cut the plastic top, sheet metal sides and the interior cabinetry off of the trailer deck. Have your helpers assist in removing the floor boards with the sledge hammer and crowbars. Pull out the wiring, hoses and tubing from underneath the trailer and discard of everything that you have removed.
- 3). Cut the decking boards to the appropriate length and then lay them on the frame and bolt them down with the lag bolts. You can choose to butt the edges of the boards flush against one another or leave space in between them to allow water and mud to fall through.
- 4). Use the provided hardware and wiring instructions to wire the trailer lights to the back of the trailer. Attach the tie down hooks in locations of your choosing around the perimeter of the trailer bed using the supplied hardware. Buy a license and insurance and your are set.