Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Why Go For Natural Childbirth

In the 1930's, the process of "natural childbirth" became popular as Dr.
Grantley Dick-Read proposed in his book that it is the fear during labor that produces the pain of childbirth.
His theory is that if women can control what he calls the "fear-tension-pain" syndrome, then women will have more control of the birthing process.
Throughout the 60s and the 70s, this theory formed the basis of various techniques where women can choose to cope with childbirth without the convenience of pain relievers and only with the assistance of her chosen partner.
One of the most popular methods that evolved through time is the Lamaze Method, founded by Dr.
Fernand Lamaze, a French obstetrician who pioneered the method of engaging both the mother and the father to handle pain of labor through relaxation techniques, deep breathing exercises.
The father is given the role of a "coach", talking to the mother and guiding her to breathe and relax in order to manage pain.
The Lamaze method recognizes the possibility that if the mother or the baby will be at risk during unassisted labor, then pain medications would have to be administered, or if necessary, a caesarian section would have to be done.
Advantages of Natural Childbirth Giving birth is a momentous event that can be a joyful experience for any woman.
Many women now choose the route of natural childbirth, because they want to be in control of their birthing experiences, without much medical intervention.
They see pain as not something they should avoid, but a wonderful proof that the body is going through a process which is necessary to welcome her newborn baby.
As they perceive pain as a welcome experience, and not something harmful to them, they are able to tolerate it, and go through the whole childbirth experience with no fear nor tension.
Here are a few advantages of natural childbirth that you can consider when deciding on your method of childbirth: 1.
Since natural childbirth is not invasive, there is little possibility that the baby or you will be under risk.
It can give you a sense of control, using your willpower to handle pain and to be in charge of the whole experience.
You are not given any anesthesia, so you are awake during labor and childbirth.
You are able to push harder as you feel the baby coming out.
You don't have to be sedated, catheterized, or even connected to an IV.
You will have mobility right after delivery.
Most of all, your partner will be part of the whole process, making it a fulfilling experience for him as well.
Natural childbirth is becoming a popular choice again among would-be moms.
If you had decided that this is the right method for you, consult your doctor first to get you ready for the experience.
You may have to go through childbirth preparation lessons, where you and your partner will learn how to handle natural childbirth the right way.
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