Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me

The faith message can be confusing to many people, no matter which side of the fence you are on.
Sometimes we appear to be bragging about our abilities.
It may even sound like we make demands on God to supply our desires.
Sometimes it looks like we don't face reality and, instead, deny it and claim what isn't so.
The truth is, God wants us to have every good thing.
We are told that the wages of sin is death.
We are also told that each of us has sinned.
So, how do we escape death? Because Jesus took our place.
The main difference between the faith movement and other forms of Christianity is that while we believe in salvation from spiritual death through the gift of eternal life, we also believe that Jesus provided complete salvation for us.
He redeemed us from the three-fold curse of the law: spiritual death, sickness & disease, and poverty.
These aren't just gifts we are going to experience in the sweet by and by, but they are gifts that God wants to bless us with in the here and now.
Think about it.
What kind of a father wouldn't want the best for his children...
now and forever? We are told not to forget ALL of his blessings.
In fact, he tells us to remind him.
Now, I don't believe for a moment that God is forgetful and that's why we have to remind him.
No, this is an exercise for us.
It is in repeating God's words back to him that they have power.
God's word cannot return to him void.
But, we have to return his word to him.
Its right there in that book on your coffee table, or in your bookshelf, or maybe, hopefully, the one you actually pull down to study and read for a little while every day.
Looking at it from this perspective, we aren't taking credit for anything we achieve.
Its all God.
He gave us the promise in the first place.
Hearing his words of promise builds up the faith to receive.
Returning his words to him causes them to come into manifestation in our lives.
But, motivation is important.
Paul said: Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
-- Philippians 4:11-13 Have you learned to be content no matter where you find yourself? Have your learned to praise God in all things? Have you learned that there is nothing you cannot do in Christ?
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