If you were asking someone about how well Orexis works, your first port of call would be to find a man and ask him directly, how did it do for you? That's ok, but as all know, if you are looking to purchase a male enhancement product, it's probably because you want to satisfy someone else.
So it makes sense to ask that 'someone else' of their opinion and findings too.
How your partner reacts to what you do to her in bed will have a huge impact on your future confidence and performance.
If you can hear, feel and see that she is enjoying herself and incredibly aroused, you'll know it, you will be turned on by it and you will want the bell to ring out for round 2 straight away.
However, if she was bored to tears, you know like watching the TV over your shoulder or getting frustrated as you came before she did, you will know that too and your confidence will shatter for that and future encounters.
You'll feel emasculated, embarrassed and won't want to go there again.
Most men would prefer to do anything to avoid any kind of sexual embarrassment but get coy in admitting that they may need or are indeed using something that gives them a little boost.
You're self-conscious, and believe me, no one understands self-consciousness better than a woman.
Don't forget though, that this is mind over matter and worrying about how you may perform, boost or no boost can seriously affect your performance in bed.
Instead of going with the flow, letting yourself go and enjoying the moment, you're too busy worrying about 'standing proud and tall'.
From a woman's perspective, knowing that you have gone out of your way to buy Orexis to ensure that we have an amazing time shows us that you really care enough about us to enjoy our intimate moments together.
You are after all, taking it for us.
But more importantly, knowing that you use Orexis tells me that you are not just taking care of an immediate need, you're making sure that you are sexually fit and able for the long term.
An intimate relationship can start at any time, way, way before we even reach the bedroom and part of the fun is the spontaneity.
Taking Orexis means that you ready to respond with total confidence, not just when you happen to pop a little blue pill.
And that's what we like the most - that you're available now and any time we want you.
So it makes sense to ask that 'someone else' of their opinion and findings too.
How your partner reacts to what you do to her in bed will have a huge impact on your future confidence and performance.
If you can hear, feel and see that she is enjoying herself and incredibly aroused, you'll know it, you will be turned on by it and you will want the bell to ring out for round 2 straight away.
However, if she was bored to tears, you know like watching the TV over your shoulder or getting frustrated as you came before she did, you will know that too and your confidence will shatter for that and future encounters.
You'll feel emasculated, embarrassed and won't want to go there again.
Most men would prefer to do anything to avoid any kind of sexual embarrassment but get coy in admitting that they may need or are indeed using something that gives them a little boost.
You're self-conscious, and believe me, no one understands self-consciousness better than a woman.
Don't forget though, that this is mind over matter and worrying about how you may perform, boost or no boost can seriously affect your performance in bed.
Instead of going with the flow, letting yourself go and enjoying the moment, you're too busy worrying about 'standing proud and tall'.
From a woman's perspective, knowing that you have gone out of your way to buy Orexis to ensure that we have an amazing time shows us that you really care enough about us to enjoy our intimate moments together.
You are after all, taking it for us.
But more importantly, knowing that you use Orexis tells me that you are not just taking care of an immediate need, you're making sure that you are sexually fit and able for the long term.
An intimate relationship can start at any time, way, way before we even reach the bedroom and part of the fun is the spontaneity.
Taking Orexis means that you ready to respond with total confidence, not just when you happen to pop a little blue pill.
And that's what we like the most - that you're available now and any time we want you.