The Ypsilanti father custody right is a legal standard that is most commonly known as the "best interests of the child.
" As in any case in any city or state the court looks at the following factors such as which parent the child is closest to, whether or not there is any abuse or violence in the home and who is the abuser.
There is a good possibility that the children will be interviewed by the judge.
However their input, more specifically what their wants and desires as far as which parent they will live with becomes more important the older the children are.
The Ypsilanti father custody right can be further protected by psychologists that are sometimes called in some courts.
The purpose of the psychologists is to interview the family and make a recommendation to the court.
Once custody is decided, there is nothing that says it will stay the same forever, or that it has to stay the same forever.
More times then not the custody arrangement will be changed as the needs of the parents and of the children change as they age.
This is what is known as the "significant change of circumstances," which is needed in order to have a change of custody.
The court can't really decide on a whim which type of custody is best.
The judge has to follow a certain legal standard that is known as the best interest of the child.
The job of the judge is not easy.
Parents are not just parents, they are human, a custody case usually involves charges that are made by one party that are then answered with counter charges from the other party.
The judge has to sort through the charges and the evidence and come up with what is best for the child.
There are other factors that the judge takes into consideration to help protect your Ypsilanti father custody rights such as things that could harm the child, as well as the things that the father can do to help the child.
The judge will also take a look at the past behaviors, they are often good indicators of future behaviors.
The child custody judge will also take a look at who has been the primary care giver of the child.
This is the person that has cared for the child on day to day basis, this includes making their meals, taking them to the doctor and helping them with homework.
The belief here is that the person that cares for the child on day to day basis is the one that is more experienced in caring for the child.
Experience doesn't guarantee a win in the custody battle.
Know your rights, understand how Ypsilanti father custody right is determined and make sure that you know the differences in the types of custody.
" As in any case in any city or state the court looks at the following factors such as which parent the child is closest to, whether or not there is any abuse or violence in the home and who is the abuser.
There is a good possibility that the children will be interviewed by the judge.
However their input, more specifically what their wants and desires as far as which parent they will live with becomes more important the older the children are.
The Ypsilanti father custody right can be further protected by psychologists that are sometimes called in some courts.
The purpose of the psychologists is to interview the family and make a recommendation to the court.
Once custody is decided, there is nothing that says it will stay the same forever, or that it has to stay the same forever.
More times then not the custody arrangement will be changed as the needs of the parents and of the children change as they age.
This is what is known as the "significant change of circumstances," which is needed in order to have a change of custody.
The court can't really decide on a whim which type of custody is best.
The judge has to follow a certain legal standard that is known as the best interest of the child.
The job of the judge is not easy.
Parents are not just parents, they are human, a custody case usually involves charges that are made by one party that are then answered with counter charges from the other party.
The judge has to sort through the charges and the evidence and come up with what is best for the child.
There are other factors that the judge takes into consideration to help protect your Ypsilanti father custody rights such as things that could harm the child, as well as the things that the father can do to help the child.
The judge will also take a look at the past behaviors, they are often good indicators of future behaviors.
The child custody judge will also take a look at who has been the primary care giver of the child.
This is the person that has cared for the child on day to day basis, this includes making their meals, taking them to the doctor and helping them with homework.
The belief here is that the person that cares for the child on day to day basis is the one that is more experienced in caring for the child.
Experience doesn't guarantee a win in the custody battle.
Know your rights, understand how Ypsilanti father custody right is determined and make sure that you know the differences in the types of custody.