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Gunman fires at Sri Sri Ravishankar on 30th May 2010

Sri Sri Ravinshankar Biography

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar born Ravi Shankar Ratnam, on 13th May 1956 in Papanasam, Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu, India. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is founder of the Art of Living Foundation in 1982, which is an NGO and helps to relieving individual stress and societal problems and violence.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was born on Sunday to Mr. Venkat Ratnam, who was a businessman in the automobile industry, and Vishalakshi Ratnam. Because of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was born on Sunday day of Sun, which also known as Ravi, Name was given Ravi. At the age of four Sri Sri Ravi Shankar could recite the Bhagavad Gita and therefore Hindu saint, Adi Shankara, whose was also born on 13th May so that name was given as Ravi Shankar . Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has doing College at St. Joseph's College, Bangalore University.

Formerly a student of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was earlier addressed as "Pandit Ravi Shankar" (or "Punditji"), but in the early 1990s changed his name to "Sri Sri Ravi Shankar".

Rhythmic breathing exercise Sudarshan Kriya came to him in 1982 "like a poem, an inspiration", after a ten-day period of silence on the banks of the Bhadra River in Shimoga in Karnataka, India.

About Sudarshan Kriya

Sudarshan Kriya is a breath-oriented process, and a core component of the Art of Living courses. Persons enrolling for the courses sign a non-disclosure agreement promising to keep the course content and techniques confidential. In some of his talks Sri Sri has described Sudarshan Kriya as a rhythmic breathing exercise that cleanses and harmonizes the physical, mental, and emotional levels

Attempted to shoot on 30th May 2010

On 30 May 2010, an unidentified assailant attempted to shoot Ravi Shankar but missed and injured a bystander.

Shri Shri Ravishankar Birth Horoscope

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Birth Horoscope Analysis

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was in Aries ascendant. Sun, sigificator of fame and shine is placed in 1st house. Conjunction of Ketu and Mercury is placed in 2nd house, which makes him soft and sweet speaker. Moon and Venus are placed in 3rd house, which frequently travels Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in India and overseas. Jupiter is placed in his exalted sign, which is cancer, which gives him in-depth knowledge in spiritual activities. Saturn and Rahu are placed in 8th house, which gives him long life and makes him dip thinker. Lord of the Ascendant i.e. Mar is placed in placed in 10th house, which gives fame, name in society.

Gunman Fire Astrological Analysis

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Chart, transiting Moon was passing through 9th house of spiritual activity and was aspecting Natal Moon, which is placed in 3rd house, Ravi Shankar was returning to his 'Kutir' or ‘ashram' by car after addressing a gathering at the Satsang and the incident took place around 6.15 PM on 30th May 2010 at Bangalore.

7th house is associated with attack. Here, lord of the 7th house, which is Venus is placed in 8th house with Ketu, which indicates failure of attack. Moreover, transiting Moon was passing through Sagittarius sign over transiting Rahu, which indicates at the time of firing shooter, would have some confusion or have dilemma, whether this is right to do. In Sri Sri Ravishankar's Chart, Transiting Saturn, which is significator of 8th house, is passing through 6th house and is aspecting 8th house of life, which shows no danger to life.

A day after Sri Sri Ravi Shankar escaped a bid on his life, the spiritual leader invited the unidentified attacker to the ashram and said if he spent some time with him he will be a changed man.

Future Prediction about Shri Shri Ravishankar

Transiting Jupiter is passing through 12th house of religious activity at outer place and transiting Saturn is also aspecting 12th house, which indicates Spiritual knowledge and faith in Sri Sri Ravi Shankar would increase and his Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful breathing technique would be more popularized in India and overseas in coming years. Sri Sri Ravishankar will travel domestic or abroad to pious place in coming years. One more thing is that Sri Sri Ravi Shankar would meet GURU or famous saint in coming years.

Transiting Saturn is passing through Virgo sign, so Sri Sri Ravi Shankar have to pay attention to health during this transit. Although no serious diseases are indicated, Sri Sri Ravishankar may be at risk from injury by weapons, poisons or fire, and subject to general physical pain and fatigue, so be careful.

By Astrology18 Group

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