Technology Software

PHP Code

Hypertext Preprocessor or normally called as PHP is initially developed for web page development to create web content that is dynamic.
It is a general-purpose kind of scripting language.
PHP code is usually embedded into HTML source code together with other scripting languages.
A web server is usually embedded by a PHP processor module which interprets the code and that produces a web page.
PHP is considered as a self service interpreter for some operating system and a processor for current web servers.
Since it is considered as general-purpose kind of programming language, the PHP code is usually processed an interpreter in a command line form in order to perform the desired operation for the operating system and to create scripting programs to its standard channel.
PHP is a freeware kind of software that is developed 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf.
The name PHP is initially stands for as persona home page.
He first created the code to produce his personal website and to replace some codes of Perl Scripts which was been the programming language he uses to create the web pages.
The Code is written in C language format.
The code is used to show his resume on the web and to record the traffics for his site.
His first PHP code can already communicate with his created database which enables a simple a web function.
Lerdorf and company are still continuing to develop the programs for a greater use.
Since the first PHP code is only running in the C language program, Lerdorf developed the code and created the PHP version 2 which the basic functions are the same as of today's PHP coding.
There are more versions produced after the creation of version 2.
Lots of Web Company and developers are interested in this kind of scripting so they were able to produce more enhanced PHP code versions.
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