Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Diet if You Are Pregnant With Twins

    Take in Enough Calories

    • A woman of average weight and height should consume 1,800 to 2,200 calories a day. A woman of average height and weight pregnant with twins should take in 2,700 calories. What this means is that you're really only taking in anywhere from 300 to 600 extra calories a day for each baby. The anticipated weight gain for a mother carrying twins is 40 pounds. Doctors for underweight mothers may advise them to take in as much as 4,000 calories daily.

    Eat a Balanced Diet

    • Aim for a daily diet that includes food from each of the four food groups. If you're expecting twins, you need between 90 and 120 grams of protein a day, which can come from poultry, fish, lean red meat, eggs, beans or soy-based products. Milk and dairy products are also essential because they supply calcium. The best sources of calcium come from low-fat milk, cheese and yogurt. When it comes to fruits and vegetables, choose a variety of colors to get the most vitamins and nutrients. You also need a certain amount of fat in your daily diet to keep you healthy. Choose unsaturated fats like olive, sesame and canola oils.

    Stay Hydrated

    • It is important to drink plenty of fluids as part of a healthy diet while pregnant with twins. If you become dehydrated, you risk having premature contractions that could turn into preterm labor. Drink at least two quarts of water a day. Carry a water bottle with you during the day so you won't forget.

    Take Vitamins and Minerals

    • Your doctor may ask you to increase your intake of certain vitamins and minerals. Your folic acid requirements will remain the same as a woman who is pregnant with one baby. Folic acid reduces the chance of having a baby with neural tube defects like spina bifida. You will need more iron since your blood supply will double to support a twin pregnancy. You should also consider taking a fiber supplement since a twin pregnancy can make you prone to constipation.

      As with any health information, ask your doctor for diet guidance specific for your pregnancy.

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