Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Do It Yourself Back Pain Intervention

After years of dealing with recurring back pain, I have learned an important lesson: I can stretch muscles that are tight to release tension and regain balance.
And voila, my pain will go away! Wow! After all those years of feeling helpless, I now feel empowered.
This is a powerful realization about back pain that did not come easy, mostly because I had to learn how to consistently apply stretching to my bag of tricks.
And I had to learn which stretches helped my recurring conditions.
Muscle Tension and Spine Alignment We pay little attention to our muscles, but I am totally convinced that they are critical in resolving back pain.
They have a big task: To carry our weight and allow us to move.
Muscle imbalances pull the back out of alignment and misalignment causes muscular imbalance in a viscous cycle.
Likewise, fixing alignment helps to fix the muscle imbalance, and fixing muscle imbalance helps to fix alignment.
But of the two, muscle balance is most important.
Chiropractors specialize in fixing spinal alignment.
But the problem I had is that the muscle imbalance pulled my back out of alignment again in a day or two.
But stretching the muscles first helps to pull the spine into alignment, and more important, the balanced muscle tension then helps to keep the alignment.
Stretching For Pain Intervention 24 Hours A Day So how do you get muscles back in balance? Stretching is the magic pill.
It works like like a massage to relieve tension and help the muscles to relax.
Stretching can even help to pull bulging disc material back into place and relieve sciatica pain.
The muscles then help to hold better posture so you can again move with ease and without pain.
What is important is to learn to make stretching a regular part of your life, and not make it too complicated.
If a muscle is tight and hurts, try to stretch it out.
Any program that gives you a way to target your specific problems and tells you what stretches are best for you is worth pursuing.
Pain occurs when muscles get tense, and stretching is great pain intervention.
Better yet, stretching is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Imagine that, learning how to stretch muscles to relieve specific pain! After the muscle tension is released, the problem is less likely to reoccur.
Don't dismiss this as too simple.
It really does help with back pain.
Pain Management One caveat is that if your back has been out of alignment awhile and the muscles are too tense, you may need to reduce inflammation before the muscles can be stretched without more pain.
I use herbs like boswellin, grapeseed extract and nettle to do that.
You want to stretch to the limit of what feels good and back off if it becomes painful.
It can be fun to come up with your own way to keep your muscles stretched and relaxed.
I do targeted stretching to manage my back pain, but also mix in yoga and dance for fun.
Most exercise helps muscles to relax, so just make it fun.
If I start getting back pain, I take a few minutes to stretch.
The sooner, the better, so it does not get worse.
It it is real tight, it may take a day for the pain and soreness to subside, but often it provides quick relief.
Anywhere, anytime, stretching is a great way to balance muscles along the spine and it really works to relieve back pain.
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