Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn


Updated February 06, 2013.

He hadn't seen the babies yet, he wanted to make sure all was ok. I was anxious about our stillborn baby and he went with the nurse to see our babies. He came back and said all 3 were beautiful. I wanted to hold my stillborn child in my arms and say one last goodbye. We held our baby for 3 wonderful hours and cried over him. He was like a porcelain doll with beautiful features. He was perfect. We name him Shawn Colin Philip.

After we let him go a nurse whisked one of our other babies into our arms. We were in shock, because before us lay a lively little baby who looked just like Shawn. We couldn't believe our eyes. We will always remember our baby Shawn, but now when we look at Liam we know what Shawn would have looked like. Our third little baby was Brayden. He is just as beautiful as the others. It has been 11 months since this occurred and my husband and I rejoice in our two babies, and realize our wee pumpkin gave his life so these two babies could survive! What a sacrifice. We miss our Shawn, but never forget him. Joy comes in the morning, and we have our joy. Don't give up hope. Thanks for listening to my birth story.
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