- Magnesium oxide serves as an antacid to relieve heartburn and indigestion. It may also help to reduce nausea in morning sickness, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
- The recommended daily allowance, or RDA, for magnesium oxide for women ages 19 and up is 310 to 320 mg, according to the NIH. The RDA for pregnant women is higher: 350 to 360 mg.
- Foods rich in magnesium oxide include green leafy vegetables, legumes, most nuts and seeds, and whole grains.
- Vitamin B6 aids metabolism, which helps reduce indigestion and possibly nausea. The National Library of Medicine suggests that a daily 30 mg supplement of B6 may reduce morning sickness.
- The RDA for vitamin B6 in adults is 1.3 mg, while the RDA for pregnant women increases to 1.9 mg, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Check the label of your prenatal vitamins for the amount of vitamin B6.
- Vitamin B6 can be found in many foods such as poultry, fish, dairy, lentils, soybeans, brown rice, bran and green leafy vegetables.
Why Magnesium Oxide Helps
RDA for Magnesium Oxide
Food Sources of Magnesium Oxide
Why Vitamin B6 Helps
RDA for Vitamin B6
Food Sources of B6