There are many myths about Nursery rhymes.
The most famous one is that Ring a Roses comes from the Black Death.
However all that can be gathered from the rhyme is that people can die from sneezing.
The rhyme dates back to about the 18th Century, not the 15th.
Many fact books say it does come from the Black Death, but with no real foundation.
Others include Sing a Song of Sixpence was created by Blackbeard (Edward Teach) to try to recruit crew.
This one does not even make sense-surely he would chose a song about beer or death and why would he need such a song anyway? Hey Diddle Diddle for some reason is linked to Catherine of Aragon, but again it makes no sense.
Baa Baa Black Sheep is supposed to be connected with slavery-this could be why some people wanted it banned.
Again it has no basis in fact.
Jack and Jill are said to be Louis XVI of France-this ignores the fact that the crown doesn't refer to a real crown, but the head.
After all Jack gets up after breaking his crown.
Little Miss Muffet does not relate to the daughter of Patience Muffet, but probably the rhyming of muffet with tuffet, a small hill.
Ladybird, Ladybird is said to derive from a call to Catholics-the ladybird representing the Virgin Mary who is considered more divine in the Catholic church than the Protestant church, but since both side venerate her, it does not make much sense.
The most famous one is that Ring a Roses comes from the Black Death.
However all that can be gathered from the rhyme is that people can die from sneezing.
The rhyme dates back to about the 18th Century, not the 15th.
Many fact books say it does come from the Black Death, but with no real foundation.
Others include Sing a Song of Sixpence was created by Blackbeard (Edward Teach) to try to recruit crew.
This one does not even make sense-surely he would chose a song about beer or death and why would he need such a song anyway? Hey Diddle Diddle for some reason is linked to Catherine of Aragon, but again it makes no sense.
Baa Baa Black Sheep is supposed to be connected with slavery-this could be why some people wanted it banned.
Again it has no basis in fact.
Jack and Jill are said to be Louis XVI of France-this ignores the fact that the crown doesn't refer to a real crown, but the head.
After all Jack gets up after breaking his crown.
Little Miss Muffet does not relate to the daughter of Patience Muffet, but probably the rhyming of muffet with tuffet, a small hill.
Ladybird, Ladybird is said to derive from a call to Catholics-the ladybird representing the Virgin Mary who is considered more divine in the Catholic church than the Protestant church, but since both side venerate her, it does not make much sense.