There are many novels that could be considered the same as the famous action drama genre of Hollywood movies.
There are so many great authors in this genre that it is almost impossible to choose the best one.
Personally, I enjoy Tom Clancy, but I am also becoming quite fond of Robert Ludlum.
In fact, I'd really like to recommend a book I read last week: "The Cassandra Compact" from the "A Covert One" series, written by Robert Ludlum and Philip Shelby; St.
Martins Griffin Press, New York, NY (2001).
As always in Robert Ludlum's novels, this spy novel is full of intrigue, suspense, mystery, and it all starts out in Washington DC and the pentagon and chases the proverbial bad guys all over the globe.
From Russia to the Middle East, Egypt, New Dehli and Italy.
Bio-Terrorism is the theme, but there is so much more to it than that.
Bio-weapon material is snuck about the space station to correctly grow the cultures in zero gravity, and NASA is involved along with the CIA, NSA all trying to prevent Armageddon of a bio-weapon.
If you've ever read "Demon in the Freezer" or Hot Zone, you know about the reality of all this, and it is scary as hell.
Like Preston, authors Ludlum and Shelby deliver the goods in this novel.
If you've read " Gravity: A Novel of Medical Suspense" by Tess Gerritsen you'll get an idea on the level of suspense, this is a book you will not be able to put down, it's that good.
There is a similar thread too with the thought of a bioweapon escaping in a space station.
Russian bioweapon scientists are ending up in Iraq, China, India and generally anywhere someone will hire them, on the open market to the highest bidder.
With a small pox virus hybrid unleashed on human populations, there is nothing to do but quarantine entire nations letting them die to save the world, well, I better not give the entire book away, but this is one you'll definitely want to read.
There are so many great authors in this genre that it is almost impossible to choose the best one.
Personally, I enjoy Tom Clancy, but I am also becoming quite fond of Robert Ludlum.
In fact, I'd really like to recommend a book I read last week: "The Cassandra Compact" from the "A Covert One" series, written by Robert Ludlum and Philip Shelby; St.
Martins Griffin Press, New York, NY (2001).
As always in Robert Ludlum's novels, this spy novel is full of intrigue, suspense, mystery, and it all starts out in Washington DC and the pentagon and chases the proverbial bad guys all over the globe.
From Russia to the Middle East, Egypt, New Dehli and Italy.
Bio-Terrorism is the theme, but there is so much more to it than that.
Bio-weapon material is snuck about the space station to correctly grow the cultures in zero gravity, and NASA is involved along with the CIA, NSA all trying to prevent Armageddon of a bio-weapon.
If you've ever read "Demon in the Freezer" or Hot Zone, you know about the reality of all this, and it is scary as hell.
Like Preston, authors Ludlum and Shelby deliver the goods in this novel.
If you've read " Gravity: A Novel of Medical Suspense" by Tess Gerritsen you'll get an idea on the level of suspense, this is a book you will not be able to put down, it's that good.
There is a similar thread too with the thought of a bioweapon escaping in a space station.
Russian bioweapon scientists are ending up in Iraq, China, India and generally anywhere someone will hire them, on the open market to the highest bidder.
With a small pox virus hybrid unleashed on human populations, there is nothing to do but quarantine entire nations letting them die to save the world, well, I better not give the entire book away, but this is one you'll definitely want to read.