Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Workplace Violence - Planning for Prevention and Response by Kim M Kerr

"Workplace Violence: Planning for Prevention and Response" by Kim M.
Kerr is a very thorough text book on this topic that unfortunately is becoming more prevalent in our society and the world at large.
It's a comprehensive and well researched book, based on the author's years of professional experience as a security professional.
The focus of the book is on organizations and the professional who is in charge of an organizations security or programs regarding prevention and response to workplace violence.
It is a hard cover text book style book, so not really the kind of book an average employee is apt to pick up and read.
It is more for professionals that deal with this element of security.
As such a text book, it is very good and an excellent resource for anyone in this field.
The book has fifteen chapters after some information about the author, a preface and foreword.
The chapters cover the topics of: 1.
Violence - A Matter of Perspective? 2.
The Near Miss 3.
Victims of Workplace Violence: A Life-Changing Event 4.
Legal Obligations and Workplace Violence 5.
Workplace Culture that may Breed Violence 6.
Business Impacts of Workplace Violence 7.
Reaction and Recovery: Treating the Wounds of Violence 8.
Early Warning Signs: Can the Problem be Stopped Before It Starts? 9.
Proactively Dealing with Anger in the Workplace 10.
Violence on Campus: A New and Evolving Threat 11.
Background Screening: Important, but Not the Silver Bullet 12.
Policies and Procedures: Creating a Framework for Prevention and Reaction 13.
Training 14.
Investigating Incidents: Responding to an Active Shooter 15.
Cyber Threats: An Emerging Concern.
After a short epilogue, there are a number of appendices.
These have sample emergency procedures, disaster recovery plans, checklists, and more practical resources to help you implement the strategies suggested in the text.
There are over 50 pages of appendices.
The book is primarily text with a few graphs and sidebars here and there.
The sections of the chapters are easy to identify and find, and each chapter includes at the end "Food For Thought" to get you thinking about what was taught in the chapter as related to your own organization, and a reference list.
Because I speak and write about various security measures, I found this book to be a very good reference and enjoyed reading it.
It is definitely a book I will look to when writing or speaking about workplace violence and related topics.
If you are charged with the duties of planning for, preventing, and/or responding to workplace violence, I strongly recommend you study this text.
Kerr has provided an excellent resource for everyone in this field of security or management.
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