Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

H1N1—Swine Flu—Vaccinations: Are There Alternatives for Your Family

Are there alternatives to the H1N1, Swine Flu, vaccinations for your family? Yes, there are! In 1918 epidemic, many people relied on natural means to: 1. avoid contracting it; 2. as treatment when they did contract it; and 3. to prevent death from it.

Parents and grandparents are looking for family alternatives to the H1N1—Swine Flu—vaccinations that actually work! Let's look at some that has worked before. Elderberry concentrate, in juice, pill or extract form, will build your immune system to help your body fight flu viruses naturally. Along with probiotics the elderberry concentrate work wonders on keeping you healthy.

Both of the above natural supplements can be found online. Both of them are safe for children. You can purchase probiotics are for children, and they come in chewable or tablet form. The secret to their use is to begin taking them now! Give them time to build up your immune system before the cold and flu season is here.

With your immune system in good shape, you may avoid contracting the H1N1, Swine Flu, virus altogether. That's what people learned in the 1918 and 1968 epidemics. People with good immune systems rarely get the flu. Do you know people who go through every winter without contracting a cold or flu? More than likely their immune system works great; however, if you get colds and flu viruses every winter, then it would might be worth considering taking elderberry concentrate and probiotics this winter.

In 1918 chiropractors took patients that the medical doctors had given up on. By the use of natural methods, a large percentage of these patients lived. Through the use of natural healing methods, the chiropractors had a mortality rate below 1% compared to the then modern medicine mortality rate of from 6-20%.

Some of the natural means you can use today are: diffuse essential oils in your home to kill germs in the air, drink herbal tea, stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, eat healthy, avoid sugar and processed foods and at the first sign of flu symptoms, take all natural remedies from online sources, which you should have stored at home. There are so many good sites that there isn't space to mention here.

Yes, there are family alternatives to the H1N1, Swine Flu, vaccinations. Should you use both for your family? You can, but there are other natural remedies you need to use if you choose to do both. Either way, the decision is yours. Find a good site that explains how to use the all natural remedies to fight flu and cold viruses. And along with those methods, eat healthy my friends.
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