- Before buying a present, consider the age and maturity level of the recipient. For example, make sure toys given to very young children don't have parts that might become detached and cause choking. The best Christmas gifts are appropriate to the age level of the child. They also take into consideration the recipient's interests. For someone who's a Husker fan, consider a game ticket, a jacket or other Husker sports items. If a person likes to read, discover what type of books she enjoys, and then purchase one or two you know she'll just love.
- Homemade or handmade items, even when not perfectly created, becomes a best Christmas gift not only because of the item itself, but also because of the time and effort put into making it. The best homemade Christmas presents use the skills of the giver to create something unique and special. A basket of cookies, special breads, jams or jellies makes a special gift from a baker to someone who enjoys home-baked goods. If arts and crafts are more your style, a Christmas wreath that can be used season after season can be created out of any number of things from greenery and bows to cutouts of Christmas symbols, candy canes, Christmas lights and even family pictures.
- For many, Christmas is more than just a time of family, fellowship and fun; it's a time to express faith. The best Christmas presents incorporate the reason for the season as well as the warmth of family. Gifts might include a Nativity set, special ornaments reflecting something meaningful for the family or one of the many classic or contemporary books released each Christmas the family can read and share together, including "The First Christmas," "A Christmas Story," "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" or one of the different versions of "The Night Before Christmas."
- The best Christmas present is learning to share with others in need. Have children go through their toys and pick out some, in good condition, to give to the needy or, if you know of a family in need, wrap up the gifts, add presents for the adults along with a bag of groceries, and deliver the gift. As a family, you can also choose to give the gift of time by helping out at a homeless shelter, delivering food baskets or working behind the scenes on the Christmas program.
Age and Interest Appropriate
Add a Homemade Touch
Reflect the Season
Sharing and Caring are the Best of Presents