Business & Finance Blogging

Research - A Vital Component of Good Content Creation in Blogging

Research is simply the process of carrying out further study into a given subject.
As we said earlier in the previous post, we really encourage you to make your passion the subject matter of your blog.
But that is just the beginning.
Before you can produce great content on your blog using your passion, you will need to research thoroughly your chosen subject.
This is due to some very important reasons.
First of all, you are writing to a worldwide audience, you just do not know who will be reading your post.
It could be your one time student in grade school or your former neighbor, you just cannot tell.
This makes it very imperative to for your post to sound convincing, authoritative and above all, real.
You cannot achieve this no matter how passionate you are about your subject matter unless you carry out further research into it.
In other words, you must sound authoritative in your post to be able to win over your readers and get to make them loyal to you.
Secondly, research helps you to hone your writing skills.
This is so in that the more you learn about your subject matter, the more different perspectives to it you tend to discover.
This helps you gain unique knowledge of your subject and with time, you get to know how to present your views in different ways and perspectives that you otherwise would not have been able to.
Finally, researching more on your passion or subject matter, will open your eyes to other opportunities and perspectives that you otherwise just would not have known about.
For instance, if cooking is your passion, you are likely to discover more about the relationship between food and health if you conduct in depth research into your subject matter and this in itself can open up doors to other opportunities for in so many ways.
We never encourage people to create posts without first researching the topic because somewhere along the line, your ignorance of the subject matter will show in the post.
You would not want to portray yourself to the whole world that you are ignorant.
Besides, no matter whatever you are writing about, there is always someone out there who knows more about the subject than you do, and to get such people to be your loyal readers, you would need to convince them that you know what you write about.
You can achieve this only through further research.
The resources you can use to carry out your research are vast and we will talk about only two here.
The first one we recommend you use is Wikipedia.
This is the best open encyclopedia on the internet.
It has entries relating to virtually everything subject you can think of and is available for free.
You can also use Google, the world's largest search engine.
They have an array of excellent resources that make researching very easy.
Google Books, Google Knol, Google Scholar are among the resources available to you from Google for your research purpose.
There are more resources out there on the internet you can use, but we strongly recommend these two for ease of use and range of coverage.
After reading the the previous post and discovering your passion, we now encourage you to carry out deep and thorough research into it before you sit to write your first post.
In out next update, we are going to talk about how to go about creating your very first post on your new blog and what to do after.
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