- Plug fuses can be type T and type S. Type S fuses are safety fuses. Type T plug fuses are a design created by inventor Thomas Edison. According to "Residential Construction Academy House Wiring" by Gregory Fletcher, "the Edison-base plug fuse can be used to replace only existing Edison-base fuses." Type S plugs do not fit in Edison fuse plugs. Type T plugs will cause over-fusing when placed in a Type S fuse holder. Type T plug fuses can come with a time delay. T-type fuses are also called Edison base fuses. They can be found in older homes.
- Industrial motors use Class T fuses.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Class T fuses are current-limiting fuses. According to "Electrical Raceways and Other Wiring Methods" by Richard Loyd, "the interrupting rating of Class T fuses is 200,000 amperes in both 300-volt and 600-volt ratings". Class T fuses are used to protect motor circuits and circuit breaker panels from overload. Only Class T fuses fit into class T disconnect switch slots. This prevents fuses with the wrong power rating from being installed in a Class T fuse holder. T fuses have metal blades that match the mounting studs in the fuse holder to ensure proper installation. Class T fuses have ratings from zero to 1,200 amperes. "Residential Electrical Wiring" by Ray C. Mullin says "Class T fuses open extremely fast under short-circuit or ground-fault conditions." Class T fuses can be used for main circuit breakers or branch circuit breakers leading to industrial equipment. - T-type connectors allow two cables to connect as branches to a single power line or terminal. T-type connectors are used to connect two vehicles to a single car battery. This can be done during recharging of a car battery. A cable T-fitting can be used to wire several batteries in parallel, such as in a solar cell battery array.
- Bayonet Neill--Concelman (BNC) connectors are used with radio frequency cables. BNC connectors link coaxial cables, such as those connecting an amateur radio or television camera to a transmitter. BNC T-type connectors link two coaxial cables with BNC connectors to a network interface card or network interface controller (NIC).
Plug Fuses
Class T Fuse
T-Type Connector
BNC Connectors