Health & Medical Men's Health

Ways to Make Your Penis Appear Bigger

The last resort for men who are not happy with the dimensions of their penis is to buy some kind of male enhancement product.
And some men may even think of side stepping that option and consider surgery.
But there are more ways available now today than before for the man who wishes to make his penis appear bigger without surgery Most men on average use the size of his penis as a method to measure his masculinity.
Because of this pressure to reach the ideal size, they are prepared to try almost anything which may help.
There are two categories for the male enhancement market which are surgical and non surgical (self treatment).
Non surgical methods such as taking supplements are the most common method.
And the most popular supplements which are purchased are herbal as these are easily obtained from drugstores without any prescription.
Some skeptics claim that this type of supplement is not effective as they are manufactured by companies taking advantage and cashing in on the male with problem.
This is not always the case as men from all over the world have been taking this type of supplement for years with success.
There is also the worry that side effects can occur when taking these supplements.
This is not usually the case with the herbal based supplements but if you're unsure, it may be a good idea to consult a medical professional.
Mechanical devices are also popular.
Although they are not always displayed for sensitivity reasons, they are usually behind the counter.
The mechanical device which is most popular is the penis pump.
It works by crating pressure to alter the shape and appearance.
These are to be used with caution as too much pressure can cause bleeding (ouch!).
And some pumps feature a hard rim which has been known to cut the penis around the area it is fitted.
If not used correctly, penis pumps can cut the penis.
Not a pleasant thought.
Most of this is easily affordable but it does get expensive if you wish to consider surgery.
The 3 most common methods to enhance the male penis with surgery include the use of implants made from silicone which are inflated with a pump in the area of the groin.
The second way is to cut the ligaments of the penis to try to lengthen the organ.
The third method is silicone injections into the penis.
Also used is collagen is or petroleum jelly.
There are always other methods.
Another common method is massage and exercise.
Many methods of massage and exercise are used such as clamping, stretching and hanging.
These are not easy procedures to follow and if performed incorrectly can lead to mis shaping and permanent damage to the penis.
But there are some very simple ways such as trimming the pubic hair back so more of the penis is visible.
Also, if you have a fat tummy, losing weight and inches from the tummy can give the appearance of a bigger penis.
These are all merely suggestions and advice but it is best to keep fit and eat healthy and be aware of your tobacco and alcohol consumption.
Just these few tips alone will bring a better performance to your sex life.
Also, take only brand name, well known supplements with proven results and a good track record such as VigRX.
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