Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Video: Swiss Ball Abdominal Workouts

Video Transcript

Hi this is Jason Morgan with Muscleworx Fitness in Carolina Beach, North Carolina. Today we are going to discuss swiss ball abdominal workouts. I'm going to show you a quick swiss ball abdominal workout starting with a standard swiss ball crunch. You want to roll down so that the small of the back is supported by the ball. Hips are just slightly off the ball. Hips are up nice and high. Abdominal region is stretched as we lean back. Now we are going to crunch up to about 30 to 40 degree movement. Abs get nice and tight, back into that declined stretched position. Going through that full contraction and stretch of the abdominal muscles. Making sure that the hips stay stationary so we don't want to push the ball back using our legs or our hips. Ten to fifteen repetitions per set. Make sure you are breathing out as you crunch up. And go back and relax, really stretch the muscles. Good. Next movement I want you to walk yourself back up the ball, there you go. In that starting position we are moving into our second exercise now which is a swiss ball jack knife. Okay swiss ball jack knife going to start in a push up position, walking out so that the ankles are just on top of the ball. Knees slightly off the ball. You are going to pull our knees into your abdomen, crunching up then extend the body back out into the plank position. Again, back out into the plank maintaining the abdominal tightness through the core. Nice slow controlled breaths. Breathe out as you pull up, in as you go back. Ten to fifteen repetitions. Good, next movement just step off the ball. You roll yourself back up into a standing position or you can step forward off the ball. And that completes your abdominal workout on a swiss ball. And those are some exercises you can do on a swiss ball for your abdominal workouts.
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