- 1). Log on to your WordPress blog.
- 2). Click on "Media" on the left column and click on the "Add New" button.
- 3). Click on "Select Files" and upload the SWF file from your computer. Once the file uploads copy the file URL that appears on the page.
- 4). Open up the page or post where you wish to display the SWF file.
- 5). Click on the HTML tab of the content editor and type in the following code:
<embed src="yourfile.swf" quality="best" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
Replace "yourfile.swf" with the file URL of your SWF file. - 6). Save the changes and view the page by clicking on the "View Page" button.